(A)   Every alarm user, including those utilizing an alarm monitoring system, shall obtain a permit for each alarm system located within the city. This section shall not apply to smoke alarms which are required by law and which are not connected to a communications center by direct line.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of an alarm user utilizing any automatic signaling device to arrange for the accomplishment of equipment alteration prescribed in § 111.03 of this chapter.
   (C)   Every alarm user utilizing an alarm system with an automatic signaling device shall be responsible for the maintenance of the device, and shall repair any defective device within 48 hours after the alarm user learns or reasonably should have learned that the device is defective. The automatic signaling device shall be disconnected after the expiration of 48 hours if repairs cannot be made within that time.
   (D)   Any alarm user required by federal, state, city, or municipal statute, regulation, rule, or ordinance to install, maintain, and operate an alarm system shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
   (E)   Permit application forms shall be made available to persons required to have them through the city hall. Application and accompanying fees shall be returned to the city hall for processing.
   (F)   Every permit application required by this section shall be signed by the alarm user or his or her agent and shall include the following information:
      (1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the alarm user. If the applicant is a partnership, the names and addresses of the partners shall be given; if the applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses of its principal officers and registered agent shall be given;
      (2)   Location of alarm system and type of system;
      (3)   Name of licensed installer and the installer’s state license number, if applicable;
      (4)   Name of the person or company responsible for repair and/or maintenance of the alarm system, if applicable;
      (5)   Statement by applicant on the application that he or she is aware of the requirements of this chapter and the fees and penalties prescribed herein; and
      (6)   Names and telephone number of persons at different locations who may be authorized to respond to an emergency and enter or open the premises where the device is installed.
   (G)   Information submitted to the city’s law enforcement agency pursuant to this section shall remain confidential.
(Ord. 181, passed 9-8-1992; Ord. 184, passed 11-2-1992)