§ 110.03 LICENSE FEES.
   (A)   All business license and non-refundable application fees shall be determined by resolution of the City Council and may be amended in like manner from time to time by the Council. The annual fees shall be assessed on a calendar year basis, commencing January 1 and ending December 31, or a portion thereof.
   (B)   All licenses shall expire on December 31 of each year following the date of issuance. Persons first required to obtain a license after July 1 and prior to December 31 shall pay a license fee equal to one-half the annual fee. No rebate will be made should the licensee not remain in business for the entire period.
   (C)   All license fees for continuing businesses are due January 1 and shall be delinquent after January 31. Delinquent license fees shall have a 20% delinquency penalty added. Administrative costs, established by resolution of the City Council and which may be amended in like manner from time to time by the Council, will be charged for each additional billing.
(Ord. 243, passed 11-17-1997)