   (A)   A sewer rate study that will analyze the sufficiency of sewer rate revenues against the financial obligations of the utility and utilize the financial plan identified by the rate adjustment shall be established for a ten-year planning period by resolution. The City Council shall set a schedule of monthly water and sewer service rates by a resolution covering a ten-year time frame after a comprehensive rate study is completed in ten-year increments.
   (B)   New customer account setup/processing fee shall be set by the City Council by resolution from time to time.
   (C)   Water turn-on or turn-off fee (upon property owner’s request or pursuant to this subchapter) shall be set by the City Council by resolution from time to time.
   (D)   Termination notice fee (§ 51.09 of this subchapter) shall be set by the City Council by resolution from time to time.
   (E)   Lien filing or satisfaction of lien filing fee shall be set by the City Council by resolution from time to time.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975; Ord. 47, passed 4-24-1975; Ord. 288, passed 7-20-2010; Res. 513-21, passed 9-7-2021)
   (A)   Connection charges; sewer. To establish appropriate provisions for the payment for the construction of the existing sanitary sewer system of the city, and to provide for any necessary expansion of that system, inclusive of the treatment plant, and to be assured that the cost of such construction and expansion are borne by those who receive the benefits thereof, there is hereby established connection charges and an obligation to pay certain expenses incurred for all connections made to the sanitary sewer system of the city as follows.
      (1)   For users inside the corporate boundaries of the city, the sum of $1,000 per connection unit, as set forth in the following schedule shall be paid as a connection charge.
      (2)   All expenses of whatever type and nature incurred in connecting to the public sewer and maintaining the connection line to the lateral or main shall be borne solely by the property owner. The point of connection with the public sewer by the property owner shall be at such place as determined by the city.
   (B)   Connection unit descriptions for sewer connection charges. A connection unit is defined as follows:
      (1)   For each single-family dwelling there is one connection unit;
      (2)   For each mobile home there is one connection unit;
      (3)   As to multiple family dwellings, including apartment houses, condominiums, cottages, duplexes, and the like, there is one connection unit for each family or dwelling unit contained in the structure or upon the premises;
      (4)   For motor courts, motels, and hotels there shall be one connection unit for each dwelling unit contained within the structure or upon the premises;
      (5)   For trailer courts, recreational vehicle courts, and mobile home courts, there is one connection unit for each space upon which a trailer, mobile home, or recreational vehicle may be placed;
      (6)   For all other uses not specified above, the number of connection units shall be calculated based upon the number of equivalent fixture units to be connected to the public sewer, directly or indirectly, as the result of a proposed improvement, as specified in the current revised State Plumbing Code. In cases when it is necessary to determine the number of connection units based upon the State Plumbing Code, being O.A.R. 918-750-0100 et seq., there shall be deemed to be one connection unit for each 16 equivalent fixture units or less. (For example, if there is determined to be 22 equivalent fixture units as defined in the current revised State Plumbing Code in a proposed improvement, there would be two connection units as defined in this chapter, resulting in a total connection charge of $800); and
      (7)   In the case of buildings containing unit modules which may be rented for transient purposes as two or more discrete units, or which may be combined for rental as a single larger unit, in determining the number of connection units for the purpose of calculating the connection fee to be paid under this chapter, each potential unit, or component of any larger unit, shall be counted as a separate dwelling unit if the same shall have separate access or is otherwise capable of being segregated and rented as a separate unit.
   (C)   Change of use. 
      (1)   If an existing user wishes to change his or her user service to some other type of service, he or she shall apply to the city for a change of service and upon approval by the Board of Directors, the user shall pay an additional connection charge for each additional connection unit or part thereof resulting from the change of service, if any, calculated as set forth in division (B) above.
      (2)   If an existing user wishes to expand his or her user service in the same category of connection unit description as set forth in division (B) above, he or she shall likewise apply to the city for expanded service and upon approval by the Board of Directors, the user shall pay an additional connection charge for each additional connection unit or part thereof resulting from the expanded service, to be calculated as set forth in division (B) above.
      (3)   In the case of either changing the user service or expanding an existing use, the connection charge for each additional unit shall be the connection charge in effect at the time such application for change of type of service or for expanded service is made to the city.
      (4)   If property changes from one use to a lower use or decreases in the amount of service required, no refund for connection charges shall be granted.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975; Ord. 51, passed 2-5-1975; Ord. 53, passed 2-5-1979; Ord. 110, passed 12-5-1983; Ord. 169, passed 7-1-1991)
   The original connection fees shall apply to all potential users in the city who have an existing structure which would be required to connect if sewers were available at the time the official notice is given to connect in accordance with § 52.003(D) of this chapter, but cannot connect to the system due to unavailability of a sewer line in any street, alley, or right-of-way abutting his or her property. At such time as sewer is available to the property, the original connection fee schedules and time schedules for connection shall apply, the time schedules shall begin running from the date of availability of sewer to the property and after written notice being given to each property owner by the secretary to connect.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
§ 52.084 TIME LIMITS.
   (A)   Time limits on connection may be extended by the secretary on proof that physical connection could not reasonably be made within the initial 90 days from the first official notice to connect. If satisfied that connection could not reasonably be made within the time limit and due to no fault of the applicant, the secretary may grant an additional 90-day period in which to allow connection without penalty, providing, however, that the connection fee must be paid prior to making application for extension of time and the application must be made prior to the lapse of the time limit for connection for which the applicant is seeking extension.
   (B)   Any applicant for extension of time may appeal the decision of the secretary to the Directors in accordance with the same form of hearing as set forth in § 52.003(D) of this chapter, providing the applicant files his or her objections with the secretary and requests a hearing within ten days of the secretary’s denial of extension. All requests, allowances, and denials of and for extensions of time shall be in writing and filed in the city office.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
§ 52.095 GENERAL.
   Sanitary sewer construction by local government agencies or private persons for sewers to be connected to the city sewerage system shall conform to the rules and regulations of the city, provisions of applicable state agencies, and the following standards, the provisions of which, unless otherwise approved by the secretary, shall be included in all project specifications. In the event of conflict, the highest applicable standard, as determined by the secretary, shall apply.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
§ 52.096 SAFETY.
   Any person or persons constructing sewers within the city or sewers outside city limits to be connected to city sewerage system shall fully comply with the applicable state laws and current safety regulations.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)
   (A)   Sewer pipe and fittings for mains and laterals. Sewer pipe shall be concrete, conforming to ASTM C14, Class 2, or C76 with ASTM C150, Type II cement; clay conforming to ASTM C200 and clay pipe institute west coast standards; asbestos-cement conforming to ASTM C42 8, Type II, or cast iron conforming to Federal Specification WW-P-421.
   (B)   Pipe joints.
      (1)   Clay joints shall be either the Speed-Seal, manufactured by Gladding, McBean, and Company, or the Wedge-Lock, manufactured by Pacific Clay Products, or as approved. Joints shall comply with ASTM C425. Lubricants for jointing shall be as approved by the pipe manufacturer.
      (2)   Concrete pipe joints shall be rubber-gasketed type. Joints shall conform to ASTM C443, including performance requirements for joints.
      (3)   Asbestos-cement sewer pipe joints shall be an approved coupling type with rubber gasket, conforming to ASTM D1869. Couplings shall consist of an asbestos-cement sleeve, machined, or otherwise arranged for use with rubber sealing gaskets. Sleeves shall be arranged so the rubber rings are self-positioning. Couplings shall be Ring-Tite, Fluid-Tite, or other approved pattern standard with the pipe manufacturer. Lubricant for jointing shall be as approved by pipe manufacturer.
      (4)   Cast-iron pipe joints shall be mechanical joint or Tyton joint pipe as manufactured by the United States Pipe and Foundry Company or as approved.
   (C)   Tee fittings.
      (1)   Joints on all tee fittings shall be the same as the joints used on the sewer pipe. Caps or plugs shall be furnished with each tee outlet or stub with the same type gasket and joint as furnished with the service connection pipe specified. The plug or cap shall be banded or otherwise secured to withstand all test pressures involved without leakage.
      (2)   On concrete pipe, fittings 18 inches and under shall be shop-fabricated. Stubs shall be flush with inside of the pipe. Fabrication shall be as shown on the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city offices.
   (D)   Service connection pipe and fittings. Service connection pipes shall conform to one of the following specifications. All pipe shall be air-tested without leakage for ten seconds at an average pressure of 9.5 psi prior to delivery to the user.
      (1)   Concrete conforming to ASTM 14, Class 2, with rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM 443, except the pipe shall have a minimum one-inch thick wall.
      (2)   Cast iron soil pipe conforming to commercial standard 188 with leaded and caulked joints or approved rubber-gasketed joints.
      (3)   Asbestos-cement conforming to ASTM C644 with joints conforming to ASTM D1869. Class 2400 shall be used in all trenches deeper than ten feet. Class 1500 may be used in trenches of lesser depth.
      (4)   Clay conforming to ASTM C200 with joints conforming to ASTM 425.
      (5)   Fittings shall be manufactured with nominal inside diameters of four and six inches. Long-radius bends shall be used at all changes in direction. Pipe and fittings for individual service connections shall be of one type of material, and no interchanging of pipe and fittings of different material will be allowed. Pipe and fittings shall be one of those specified above. Service connection construction shall conform to the sewer service connection details in the standard details on file in the city office.
   (E)   Manholes.
      (1)   Concrete for manhole bases shall be ready-mixed conforming to ASTM C94, Alternate 2. Compressive field strength shall not be less than 2,500 pounds per square inch at 28 days.
      (2)   Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM 615, grade 40, deformed bars.
      (3)   Precast manhole sections shall be minimum 42-inch diameter conforming to ASTM C478. Eccentric cones shall be used. Manhole steps are not required.
      (4)   Manhole frames and covers shall be cast iron of size, shape, and minimum weight detailed on the standard manhole details in the standard details on file in the city office. Covers shall have the word “sewer” in two-inch raised letters.
      (5)   Castings shall be tough, close-grained gray iron, sound, smooth, clean, free from blisters, blow-holes, shrinkage, cold shuts, and all defects, and shall conform to ASTM A4 8, Class 30. Plane or grind bearing surfaces to ensure flat, true surfaces. Covers shall be true and seat within the ring at all points.
   (F)   Cleanouts. Unless otherwise approved by the secretary, cleanouts or lampholes will not be permitted on any sewer except four- and six-inch service connections.
   (G)   Gravel for pipe base and backfill in the pipe zone. Gravel for pipe base and backfill in the pipe zone shall be crushed rock or pea gravel as follows.
Pipe Size
4” to 18”
3/4” minus
Over 18”
1-1/2” minus
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)