§ 52.084 TIME LIMITS.
   (A)   Time limits on connection may be extended by the secretary on proof that physical connection could not reasonably be made within the initial 90 days from the first official notice to connect. If satisfied that connection could not reasonably be made within the time limit and due to no fault of the applicant, the secretary may grant an additional 90-day period in which to allow connection without penalty, providing, however, that the connection fee must be paid prior to making application for extension of time and the application must be made prior to the lapse of the time limit for connection for which the applicant is seeking extension.
   (B)   Any applicant for extension of time may appeal the decision of the secretary to the Directors in accordance with the same form of hearing as set forth in § 52.003(D) of this chapter, providing the applicant files his or her objections with the secretary and requests a hearing within ten days of the secretary’s denial of extension. All requests, allowances, and denials of and for extensions of time shall be in writing and filed in the city office.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)