(A)   Approval required. No connection shall be made to the city sewerage system without the prior approval of the city.
   (B)   Sewer connection to city system. Sewers shall be planned so as to require the minimum practical number of points of connection to the city system.
   (C)   Sewer surcharges.
      (1)   An additional charge will be made for quantities of water other than sewage and industrial waste in excess of the volume established for design purposes in § 52.007(C) of this subchapter. Any charge made in addition to the regular charge shall be based on metered records of flow taken and compiled by the city.
      (2)   To determine when quantities of water other than sewage and industrial waste entering the city’s sewerage facilities become excessive, the city may meter and record flows from suspected areas between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. The flows during this period, less a 10% allowance for possible night-time use of the system, shall be assumed to be water other than sewage and industrial waste. If this amount exceeds the allowance as set forth in § 52.007(C) of this subchapter, the area shall be deemed to be contributing excessive flow. Significant commercial activity during the test period, such as manufacturing, will be metered at the source and subtracted from the above metered flows to arrive at the quantity of water other than sewage and industrial waste.
      (3)   If the city elects to meter and record total daily flow from such sewers, the local government agency or person will be given at least five days’ notice in advance of such metering. Metering periods shall continue until excessive flow conditions are corrected.
      (4)   Daily surcharges for excess flow will be as established by the Directors in the rate schedules.
(Ord. 46, passed 4-8-1975)