The City Manager has the following powers and duties:
      1.   Financial Administration. Be responsible for financial administration and:
         A.   Budget. Prepare the budget annually and submit it to the Council together with a message describing the important features.
         B.   Accounting and Reporting. Prepare or supervise the development and administration of such accounting and reporting systems as may be necessary or desirable to accurately reflect the financial condition of the City.
         C.   Purchasing. Supervise the development and administration of a modern and efficient purchasing system covering the acquisition by the City of services, supplies, and materials.
      2.   Contracts. Supervise the performance of all contracts of the City, make all purchases of materials and supplies, and see that such materials and supplies are received and are of the quality and character called for by the contract.
      3.   Property and Improvements. With appropriate professional assistance, supervise the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, management of all City property, capital improvements and undertakings of the City, including the making and preservation of all surveys, maps, plans, drawings, specifications and estimates for capital improvements, except property, improvements and undertakings managed by a utility board of trustees.
      4.   Intergovernmental Agreements. Act for the City in the exercise and execution of all policies and programs when the City is involved on a joint basis with any other governmental subdivision, including any subdivision of the government of the State of Iowa or of the United States of America.
      5.   Council Meetings. Attend all meetings of the Council unless excused by the Mayor.
      6.   Investigative Authority. Summarily and without notice, investigate the affairs and conduct of any department, agency, officer, or employee under the supervision of the City Manager, and compel the production and evidence and attendance of witnesses.
      7.   Planning. Assist the Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and all other boards and commissions in the carrying out and revision of the Comprehensive Plan and all other forms of planning for the future growth and development of the City.
      8.   Economic Development. Execute, oversee, and coordinate the economic development efforts of the City with Crawford County, Crawford County Development Corporation and other local economic development entities.
      9.   Personnel.
         A.   Supervision and Evaluation of employees. Supervise, evaluate or oversee evaluation of the performance of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Street Commissioner, Building Inspector and Code Enforcement. The authority to supervise and evaluate includes but is not limited to suspend, investigate and/or discipline the supervised employees.
(Ord. 1556 - Jan. 23 Supp.)
         B.   Supervision of Appointed Officials. Supervise and direct the workload, subject to Council approval, of appointed officers, including but not limited to, the City Attorney.
      10.   Recommendations. Recommend to the Council such measures as deemed necessary or expedient for the good government and welfare of the City.
      11.   City Laws. Supervise the enforcement and execution of the City laws. Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the City, and see that all franchises, permits, and privileges granted by the City are faithfully observed.
      12.   Inform and Coordinate. Keep the Council informed on the progress of all its programs and status of its policies; coordinate and direct all municipal services provided through the various departments.
      13.   Boards and Commissions. Carry on the management of any present board or commission if such board or commission is abolished or ceases to exist.