1. Compliance. Each sign or part of a sign erected within the zoning jurisdiction of the City must comply with the provisions of this chapter, other relevant provisions of the City of Denison's Code of Ordinances, and applicable building codes.
2. Resolution of Conflicting Regulations. This chapter is not meant to repeal or interfere with enforcement of other sections of the City of Denison's Code of Ordinances. In cases of conflicts between Code sections, State or Federal Regulations, the more restrictive regulations shall apply.
3. Prohibited Signs. The following signs are prohibited in all zoning districts.
A. Obsolete Signs. Signs that advertise an activity, business, product or service no longer conducted on the premises on which the sign is located.
B. Signs or sign structures which resemble, imitate, simulate, or conflict with traffic control signs or devices included in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which otherwise mislead or confuse persons traveling on public streets, which create a traffic hazard, or which violate any of the provisions of any other applicable State statutes.
C. Banners, balloons, posters. Signs which contain or consist of banners, balloons, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, or other similarly moving devices, except as specifically provided in this chapter. These devices when not part of any sign shall also be prohibited.
D. Signs which create a safety hazard by obstructing the clear view of pedestrians or vehicles, or which obscure official signs or signals.
E. No signs shall be permitted in the public right-of-way or on public property, other than governmental signs and temporary civic signs contingent upon authorization from the Building Official.
F. Flashing Signs. No flashing, blinking, or rotation lights shall be permitted for either permanent or temporary signs.
G. Moving Signs. No sign shall be permitted any part of which moves by any mechanical means.
H. Painted Wall Signs. Off-premise signs painted on building walls unless specifically approved as an element of a Special Permit Use.
I. Above-peak roof signs.
4. Exempt Signs. The following signs are permitted in any zoning district and are exempt from other provisions of this chapter.
A. Public Signs. Signs of a noncommercial nature and in the public interest, erected by or upon the order of a public officer in the performance of his public duty, such as safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and other similar signs, including signs designating hospitals, libraries, schools and other institutions or places of public interest or concern.
B. Integral Signs. Signs for churches or temples, or names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and other similar signs when carved into stone, concrete or other building material or made of bronze, aluminum, or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the structure to which they are attached.
C. Window Signs. Such signs that are displayed inside of a window or within a building, provided, however, that neon window signs shall be permitted only in those districts where neon signs are permitted.
D. Works of graphic art painted or applied to building walls that contain no advertising or business identification messages.
E. Residential signs under 6 square feet in size.
F. Neighborhood or subdivision identification signs under 50 square feet.
G. Signs not visible from a public right-of-way, private way, or court or from a property other than that on which the sign is installed.
5. Temporary Signs.
A. Permit Required. All temporary commercial signs shall obtain a temporary sign permit from the City prior to any repair, alteration, relocation, or maintenance of such a sign.
B. Size and Time Limitations of Temporary Signs. The location of both temporary civic and temporary commercial signs shall comply with the following regulations:
(1) The total amount of temporary banner signage permitted on any premise shall be the smaller of 5% of the area of all street facades or 100 square feet. Street facades include any building facades visible from and oriented to public streets.
(2) The maximum size of detached temporary signs or portable signs shall be 50 square feet in area. Temporary commercial signs shall be no smaller than 8 square feet.
(3) A temporary sign permit shall be in effect for a period of 30 days on two separate occasions from the date of issuance.
C. Location Requirements for Temporary Signs.
(1) Temporary signs shall not be attached to any sign pole or light pole on public or private property; or public utility poles or trees on either public or private property.
(2) Temporary commercial signs are prohibited in any public right-of-way or property, including streets, sidewalks, parks, and public facilities.
(3) Temporary signs shall not be located within the vision clearance triangle defined by subsection 8 of Section 170.04.
(4) Temporary signs shall not interfere with any public right-of-way, driveway or access way, or any means of access or egress to any building.
(5) Any attached temporary sign shall be attached only to vertical facades of the primary building and shall not be attached to roofs, roof extensions, cornices, overhangs, or other building extensions.
(6) Detached temporary signs cannot be placed on public property.
D. Condition of Temporary Signs.
(1) All temporary signs shall be maintained in sound condition. Any sign that exhibits deterioration of structure or materials may be removed subject to the provisions of this section.
(2) The Zoning Administrator shall order the removal of any sign not in compliance with any provisions of this section. If the owner of the premise on which such sign is located, or the owner of the sign if unlawfully located on public property, fails to remove such sign, the Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to remove the sign. Any costs of removal of a sign on private property shall be assessed to the owner of the property. Any such removal shall also result in the immediate cancellation of any outstanding temporary sign permit.
6. Vision-Clearance Area. No sign may project into or be placed within a vision-clearance area defined by subsection 8 of Section 170.04.
7. Maintenance. All signs shall be maintained in a good state of repair, including, but not limited to, the structural components, the lighting, if any, the portion attaching the sign to the ground or structure, and the surface features.