Outdoor storage is prohibited in all zoning districts except the I-1 Limited Industrial and I-2 General Industrial zoning district, except as provided in this section.
      1.   Agricultural Use Types. Outdoor storage is permitted only where incidental to agricultural uses.
      2.   Residential Uses and Property. Except as otherwise provided by this ordinance, any goods, equipment, materials, machinery, and parts thereof stored on any residentially zoned property must be stored in completely enclosed buildings or in spaces screened by fencing and/or evergreen shrubbery.
      3.   Civic Use Types. Outdoor storage is permitted only where incidental to maintenance facilities, or in completely enclosed buildings or in spaces screened by fencing and/or evergreen shrubbery.
      4.   Commercial Use Types.
         A.   Outdoor storage is permitted where incidental to agricultural sales and service, auto rentals and sales, construction sales and service, equipment sales and service, stables and kennels, and surplus sales.
         B.   Outdoor storage is permitted where incidental to auto services, equipment repair, long-term vehicle storage, and body repair, provided that such storage is completely screened at property lines by an opaque barrier, as set forth in Section 171.06. This provision shall apply to any auto services, equipment repair, or body repair use established after the effective date of this ordinance.
      5.   Industrial and Miscellaneous Use Types.
         A.   Outdoor storage is permitted where it is incidental to industrial uses within the AG and I-1 zoning districts. Any such outdoor storage is subject to screening requirements set forth in Section 171.06.
         B.   Outdoor storage is permitted where incidental to landfills.