1.   Home-Based Businesses/Home Occupations. Home-based businesses and home occupations are permitted as an accessory use in residential units as long as the owner complies with all relevant local, state and federal laws, and subject to the following conditions:
(Ord. 1535 - Mar. 21 Supp.)
         A.   External Effects.
            (1)   There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of the building or premises housing the home occupation other than signage permitted within this section.
            (2)   No noise, odors, bright lights, electronic interference, storage or other external effects attributable to the home occupation shall be noticeable from any adjacent property or public right of way.
            (3)   The home occupation shall be carried on entirely within the principal residential structure or within an accessory structure which does not exceed 15 feet in height and in which not more than 600 square feet in area is used for the home occupation. Any such use of the accessory structure must comply with the International Building Code as adopted by the City of Denison, Iowa.
(Ord. 1420 - Oct. 12 Supp.)
            (4)   Mechanical or electrical equipment supporting the home occupation, other than that which is designed to facilitate heating or cooling of the home, shall be limited to that which is self-contained within the structure and normally used for office, domestic or household purposes.
            (5)   No home occupation shall discharge into any sewer, drainageway, or the ground any material which is radioactive, poisonous, detrimental to normal sewer plant operation, or corrosive to sewer pipes and installations.
         B.   Employees. The home occupation shall employ no more than two full-time employees on site other than the residents of the dwelling unit, provided that one off-street parking space is made available and used by a non-resident employee.
         C.   Extent of Use. For all residential and agricultural zoning districts, 25% of the floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation, exclusive of any detached accessory buildings used for the home occupation.
         D.   Signage. Each home-based business shall be permitted to have one non-illuminated wall sign not to exceed six (6) square feet in area.
(Ord. 1403 - June 11 Supp.)
         E.   Prohibited Home-Based Businesses/Home Occupations. The following activities are prohibited as home-based businesses, even if they meet the other requirements set forth in this section:
            (1)   Animal hospitals.
            (2)   General retail sales.
            (3)   Restaurants.
            (4)   Repair shops or service establishments that service major motorized vehicles, small engines, and related items.  
            (5)   Stables or kennels.
            (6)   Welding, vehicle body repair, or rebuilding or dismantling of vehicles.
      2.   Permitted Accessory Uses: Residential Uses. Residential uses may include the following accessory uses, activities, and structures on the same lot.
         A.   Private garages and parking for the residency use.
         B.   Recreational activities and uses by residents.
         C.   Home occupations, subject to the provisions of this ordinance.
         D.   Non-commercial convenience services for the primary use of residents of multi-family uses or mobile home parks, including laundromats, clubhouses, and post offices.
         E.   Garage sales, provided that the frequency of such sales at any one location are limited to one sale of no more than three consecutive days duration in a month, and three sales during any twelve month period.
      3.   Permitted Accessory Uses: Civic Use Types. Guidance services and health care use types are permitted in the I-1 Limited Industrial zoning districts only as accessory uses to a primary industrial use.
      4.   Permitted Accessory Uses: Other Use Types. Other use types may include the following accessory uses, activities, and structures on the same lot:
         A.   Parking for the principal use.
         B.   Manufacturing or fabrication of products made for sale in a principal commercial use, provided such manufacturing is totally contained within the structure housing the principal use.
         C.   Services operated for the sole benefit of employees of the principal use.
      5.   Permitted Accessory Uses: Agricultural Use Types.
         A.   Garden centers and roadside stands, subject to the regulations set forth in 169.02 2 B.
         B.   Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with the purpose and functions of agricultural uses.
         C.   Buildings that directly serve and are required for the conduct of crop and animal production, are exempt from requirements for building permits and inspections. Structures that house other uses are subject to the requirements of this ordinance, even if located on property zoned or primarily zoned or used for agricultural purposes.