1. Resource Extraction. Resource extraction, where permitted, is subject to the following additional requirements:
A. Erosion Control. A resource extraction use may not increase the amount of storm run-off onto adjacent properties as determined by review of the Zoning Administrator. Erosion control facilities, including retention and sediment basins, are required of each facility, if necessary, to meet this standard.
B. Surface Drainage. The surface of the use may not result in the collection or ponding of water, unless specifically permitted as part of a Special Use Permit.
C. Storage of Topsoil. Topsoil shall be collected and stored for redistribution following the end of the operation.
D. Elimination of Hazards. Excavation shall not result in a hazard to any person or property. The following measures are required:
(1) Restoration of slopes to a gradient not exceeding 33% as soon as possible.
(2) Installation of perimeter safety screening and/or fencing.
(3) Installation of visual screening adjacent to any property within a residential or public use district consistent with bufferyard standards contained in Chapter 171. Resource extraction uses in the AG District shall be subject to the same bufferyard requirements as those in the I-2 District.
E. Restoration of Landscape. The topography and soil of the resource extraction site shall be restored and stabilized within nine months of completion of the operation in accordance with specifications set forth in the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for the site, including Best Management Practices that may otherwise be used to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. Alternatively, the site may be used as a lake or body of water, subject to approval by the City Council with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the Department of Natural Resources. Adequate surety, in the form of a performance bond, to cover the cost of restoration of the site shall be submitted by the applicant at the time of permit application.
2. Salvage Services and Long-term Vehicle Storage and Dismantling.
A. Screening.
(1) The perimeter of each new facility shall be fully enclosed by opaque, freestanding fencing or screen walls. Minimum height of this enclosure shall be eight feet. Any such enclosure shall be constructed behind required landscaped bufferyards.
(2) Each existing salvage services facility shall be screened as provided above within one year of the effective date of this ordinance.
(3) The above requirement shall also apply to uses adjacent to residential zoning districts or residential uses that include the long-term storage and dismantling of vehicles.
B. Storage of materials within any salvage services facility may not be higher than the height of the surrounding screen fence or wall.
C. No new salvage services use may be established within 500 feet of the nearest property line of a pre-existing residential zoning district or of any pre-established civic use.