1.   Separation from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s). No new residential use shall be established within 1,250 feet of an existing CAFO, except for the residence of the owner or operator of the CAFO, employee, or working tenant.
      2.   Downtown and Group Residential in CBD District. Downtown and Group Residential uses are permitted in the CBD District only on floor levels at least ten (10) feet above the primary street entrance. Alley entrances to buildings are not determinative of whether a residential use is permitted on a floor level. A unit or units specifically designed for occupancy by disabled residents may be developed at street level, subject to approval by the Board of Adjustment.                                     (Ord. 1418 - May 12 Supp.)
      3.   Mobile Home Parks in the RM District. Mobile Home Parks and mobile home residential use are permitted in the RM District. Such use may be configured in a Mobile Home Park or Mobile Home Subdivision. Following the effective date of this ordinance, no mobile home shall be located outside of a Mobile Home Park or Mobile Home Subdivision. All Mobile Home Parks established after the effective date of this ordinance are subject to compliance with the following regulations:
         A.   Certification.
            (1)   A certification of compliance with all ordinances and regulations regarding mobile home licensing, zoning, health, plumbing, electrical, building, fire protection and any other applicable requirements shall be required of all Mobile Home Parks.
            (2)   The Building Official is authorized to perform an annual inspection of any Mobile Home Park to ensure compliance with these regulations.
            (3)   These regulations do not address the structural integrity of any units within a Mobile Home Park. Compliance with these regulations does not represent city warrant of the structural integrity of any structure or unit in such a facility.
   B.    Minimum and Maximum Area. A Mobile Home Park shall be considered to be one zoned lot. The minimum contiguous area of a Mobile Home Park shall be two acres.
         C.   Density Requirements.
            (1)   The maximum gross density of a Mobile Home Park shall be 7 units per acre.
            (2)   The minimum size of an individual mobile home space shall be 4,000 square feet for single-wide mobile home units and 5,000 square feet for double-wide mobile home units.
            (3)   Each mobile home space shall have a width of at least 40 feet and a length of at least 75 feet.
   D.    Site Development Standards.
            (1)   Setbacks. Each Mobile Home Park shall have a minimum perimeter setback of 30 feet. No space for a dwelling unit or any other structure shall be permitted in the required setback.
            (2)   Setback Landscaping. All area contained within the required setbacks except sidewalks and private drives shall be landscaped and screened in conformance with Chapter 171.
            (3)   Impervious Coverage. Impervious coverage for a Mobile Home Park shall not exceed 60 percent of the total site area.
            (4)   Open Space. Each Mobile Home Park shall provide a minimum of 400 square feet of open recreational space per unit. Such space shall be provided at a central location accessible from all parts of the park by pedestrians. Required perimeter setbacks or buffers shall not be credited toward the fulfillment of this requirement.
            (5)   Separation Between Mobile Home Units. The minimum separation between a mobile home unit and attached accessory structure and any other mobile home units and/or accessory structure shall be 20 feet.
            (6)   Separation and Setbacks for Accessory Buildings. An accessory building on a mobile home space shall maintain a minimum rear and side yard setback of five feet. A minimum distance of ten feet shall be provided between any mobile home and an unattached accessory building.
   E.    Street Access and Circulation Requirements.
            (1)   Access to Public Street. Each Mobile Home Park must abut and have access to a dedicated public street with a right-of-way of at least 60 feet. Direct access to a mobile home space from a public street is prohibited.
            (2)   Vehicular Circulation. The Mobile Home Park must provide interior vehicular circulation on a private internal street system. Minimum interior street width shall be 27 feet. The street system shall be continuous and connected with other internal and public streets; or shall have a cul-de-sac with a minimum diameter of 100 feet. No such cul-de-sacs may exceed 300 feet in length.
            (3)   Separation Between Units and Circulation Areas. The minimum distance between a mobile home unit and any attached accessory structure and the pavement of an internal street or parking area shall be ten feet.
            (4)   Sidewalks. Each Mobile Home Park shall provide a sidewalk system to connect each mobile home space to common buildings or community facilities constructed for the use of its residents; and to the fronting public right of way. Sidewalk width shall be at least four feet.
            (5)   Street and Sidewalk Standards. All internal streets and sidewalks shall be hard-surfaced. Electric street lighting is required along all internal streets.
            (6)   Parking Requirements. Each Mobile Home Park must provide at least two off-street parking stalls for each mobile home space.
   F.    Utilities.
            (1)   All Mobile Home Parks shall provide individual units and common facilities with an adequate, piped supply of hot and cold water for both drinking and domestic purposes; and standard electrical service, providing at least one 120-volt and one 240-volt electrical service outlet to each mobile home space.
            (2)   Complete water and sewer service shall be provided within each Mobile Home Park in accordance with the Subdivision Chapter of the Unified Land Development Ordinance.
            (3)   Properly spaced and operating fire hydrants shall be provided for proper fire protection within each Mobile Home Park in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance.
            (4)   All electric, telephone, gas, and other utility lines shall be installed underground.
         G.   Foundation Requirements.
            (1)   All mobile homes shall be secured to the ground by tie-downs and ground anchors that comply with the requirements of the Iowa Building Code.
            (2)   All mobile homes shall be blocked at a maximum of ten foot centers around the perimeter of each unit; such blocking shall provide 16 by 16 inch bearing on the stand.
            (3)   Pads shall be a hard surface capable of carrying the weight and of sufficient length to support all blocking points of the mobile home.
            (4)   Each home shall be skirted within 30 days of its placement in the park. Skirting materials shall be compatible with the exterior finish of the mobile home.
         H.   Financial Responsibility: Each application for a Mobile Home Park shall include a demonstration by the developer of financial capability to complete the project; and a construction schedule.
         I.   Completion Schedule: Construction must begin on any approved Mobile Home Park within one year of the date of approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Such construction shall be completed within two years of approval, unless otherwise extended by the Commission.
      4.   Mobile Home Subdivisions in the MH District.
         A.   Mobile Home Subdivisions shall be developed in accordance with all standards and requirements set forth in the Subdivision Ordinance of Denison. Site development regulations shall be the same as those required in the R-2 Zoning District. Each mobile home shall be considered a single-family detached residential unit for the purpose of determining applicable development regulations.
         B.   Mobile home units within Mobile Home Subdivisions shall be built in accordance with the minimum design standards of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and display a certification of such compliance. All units shall be installed on a permanent foundation with complete removal of wheels and towing packages.
      5.   Two-Family Residential. Where permitted, two-family residential development is subject to the following regulations:
         A.   The second dwelling unit shall be located to the rear of the site and shall be separated from the primary dwelling unit by 25 feet.
         B.   The second dwelling unit shall be served by a driveway at least ten feet in width, leading from the public ROW adjacent to the lot.
         C.   Both structures shall meet all other setback requirements of the zoning district.