Nothing in these provisions shall relieve any property owner or user from satisfying any condition or requirement associated with a previous approval, special permit, variance, development permit, or other permit issued under any local, State, or Federal ordinance or statute.
      1.   Crop Production in Non-Agricultural Districts. Crop production is a permitted interim use in any zoning district.
      2.   Horticulture and Crop Production: Retail Sales. Retail operation of garden centers or roadside stands associated with a primary agricultural use may be permitted in the AG District, subject to the following requirements:
         A.   Garden Centers.
            (1)   A garden center is a building or premises used for the retail sale of plant materials or items useful in the growing or display of lawns, gardens, and plants.
            (2)   Garden centers must conform to all site development regulations for the zoning district.
            (3)   Any garden center adjacent to a residential district must maintain a 20-foot landscaped buffer yard, consistent with the standards established in Section 171.04.
         B.   Roadside Stands.
            (1)   A roadside stand is a facility used on a temporary or seasonal basis for the retail sale of produce grown largely on adjacent or surrounding agricultural lands.
            (2)   A roadside stand may be located within a required front yard but no closer than 40 feet to the edge of a traveled roadway.
            (3)   A roadside stand may operate for a maximum of 180 days in any one year.
      3.   Animal Production: Separation from Residential Uses.
         A.   Animal production use types may not be established within 500 feet of a pre-existing residential districts, including RR through RM.
         B.   No feeding or disposal of garbage, rubbish, or offal associated with animal production shall occur within 500 feet of any pre-existing residential districts, including RR through RM.