1.   Purpose. The AG district promotes and preserves agricultural uses, including crop and animal production. This district is intended to accommodate activities such as agriculture, horticulture, dairy farming, livestock farming, poultry farming, general farming and other agricultural activities. This district discourages low density single family residential development often associated with agricultural areas by requiring a minimum 10-acre lot size. The AG district is also intended to maintain interim agricultural uses within areas designated in the Denison comprehensive plan as long-term urban growth areas. The intent here is to discourage rural residential growth in these areas that are in watersheds that can eventually accommodate development served by extension of public sewers. Where these areas are outside the city limits of Denison, but within its two-mile subdivision jurisdiction, it is intended that the City work with the County to apply this district’s site development regulations to these long term urban growth areas.
      2.   Site Development Regulations.
1-Family Detached
Other Permitted Uses
1-Family Detached
Other Permitted Uses
Site Area per Housing Unit
Minimum Lot Area
10 acres
5 acres
Minimum Lot Width (feet)
150 ft.
Minimum Yards (feet)
   Front Yard (Note 1)
50 ft.
50 ft.
    Side Yard
25 ft.
25 ft.
    Street Side Yard, Corner Lot
50 ft.
50 ft.
    Rear Yard
50 ft.
50 ft.
Maximum Height (feet)
35 ft.
35 ft.
   Note 1: Front yard setback is measured from property line of platted lots. For unplatted lots along roads, residential structures shall be set back sufficiently to allow for future right-of-way dedications. This setback is typically 75 feet from the center line of the adjacent road. The Building Official may establish a different set-back requirement based on the specific context of a parcel. The reason for any such variation shall be documented in writing by the Building Official.