All persons making complaints concerning the compliance with the provisions of this chapter of any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house or rooming unit shall do so in the following manner:
      1.   The complaints shall be signed and in writing upon a form to be provided by the City.
      2.   Such complaints shall state the address of the premises, the name of the owner, landlord, or operator, and shall state the nature of the alleged violation with specificity.
      3.   In the case of tenants making complaints concerning the dwelling or dwelling unit in which they reside, such tenant shall attach a dated copy of the notice in which they requested the owner or operator to correct the alleged violation, unless complaint pertains to an emergency situation as determined by the administration.
      4.   It is a violation of the provisions of this chapter for an owner or operator to take reprisals against any tenant making a complaint under the provisions of this chapter. Any such reprisals shall constitute a municipal infraction.