1.   Self-Inspections. At the time of registration the City shall provide to the applicant a checklist and guidelines to assist with a self-inspection of each rental unit. The checklist will identify all items that are to be inspected and provide a space for the landlord to indicate compliance with the applicable standard. The self-inspection will be completed, and the certification form provided by the City shall be due at the time the registration fee is paid, but no later than March 1 of each year.
      2.   Spot Inspections. A spot inspection is an inspection conducted by City officials and which is conducted in one of two ways: either upon the observation by City officials of units which are obviously and substantially out of compliance, or by lot. These inspections will be scheduled with the owner and/or operator of the units.
      3.   Requested Inspections. Upon the request of the owner or operator of a rental unit, the City shall inspect said rental unit to determine compliance with the Housing Code. Upon a successful completion of such inspection, the unit will be exempt from spot inspections determined by lot for a period of three years.
      4.   Section 8 Inspections. Units which have been inspected for and passed Section 8 rental requirements shall be deemed to have been spot inspected, and exempt from spot inspections determined by lot for a period of three years. It shall be the duty of the owner and/or operator of such rental units to provide proof of a Section 8 inspection to the City.
      5.   Failed Inspections. A rating system developed by the City shall establish three classifications: substantially in compliance; out of compliance; and substantially out of compliance. If after City inspection, a rental unit is deemed to be substantially in compliance, a list of needed repairs will be provided to the owner and/or operator with a stated time in which to make the repairs. There will be duty on the owner and/or operator to notify the City once the identified repairs have been completed.
         A.   If after an inspection a rental unit is deemed to be out of compliance, a list of needed repairs will be provided to the owner and/or operator with a stated time in which to make the repairs. Upon completion of the repairs, the owner and/or operator shall schedule a reinspection of the property to confirm compliance. The owner and/or operator shall pay the reinspection fee set out in the current schedule of fees adopted by the Council upon completion of said inspection.
         B.   If after City inspection a rental unit is deemed to be substantially out of compliance, a list of needed repairs will be provided to the owner and/or operator with a stated time in which to make the repairs. The owner and/or operator shall schedule a reinspection of the property to confirm compliance. The owner and/or operator shall pay the reinspection fee set out in the current schedule of fees adopted by the Council upon the completion of said inspection. The City may also schedule inspection of all units owned by said owner/operator upon a finding that one of the owner/operator’s rental properties is substantially out of compliance.