1.   Each registrant shall provide to the department information indicating the horizontal and vertical locations, relative to the boundaries of the right-of-way, of all equipment which it owns or over which it has control and which is located in any right-of-way. The registrant may satisfy this requirement by providing copies of maps showing equipment locations which were developed and kept by the registrant in the ordinary course of business as of April 24, 2009. Providing GIS Arcview® data shall be deemed to satisfy this requirement.
      2.   Within six months after the acquisition, installation, or construction of additional equipment or any relocation, abandonment, or disuse of existing equipment, each registrant shall supplement the mapping information required in this section.
      3.   Mapping data provided to the City by registrants shall be for the exclusive use of the City in administering the use and occupancy of the public right-of-way within the City and shall not be provided to or relied on by any person or the City for any other purpose. Persons working in the right-of-way shall be required to make use of the State One Call notification system for utility location, and shall not be entitled to rely on City mapping data for that purpose. At the request of any registrant, any information requested from the department with respect to the location or type of equipment which that registrant maintains or plans to install in the right-of-way, which qualifies as trade-secret information under Code of Iowa § 550.1 et seq., shall be treated as trade-secret information in accordance with Code of Iowa § 22.1 et seq., pertaining to examination of public records.
      4.   A registrant’s provision of mapping data to the City as required in this section shall not relieve the registrant of its obligation to provide utility accommodation information to the City upon request or direction of the Building Inspector. Utility accommodation information is such information which is not required to be filed with the City, but may be necessary from time to time for the City to carry out its duties, including (but not limited to) information regarding the depth and location of a registrant’s equipment in the right-of-way with respect to known monuments or other utility equipment; information regarding the type of equipment in place in the right-of-way, the general type of service it provides, and a general description of the customers it serves; and information with respect to the age and service life of equipment in place in the right-of-way.