This Ordinance shall become effective and be a binding contract between the Grantor and Grantee upon its final passage and approval by Grantor, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and upon Grantee's acceptance by written instrument, within sixty (60) days of passage by the city council and filing with the Clerk of the City of Denison, Iowa. The Clerk of the City of Denison, Iowa shall sign and affix the community seal to acknowledge receipt of such acceptance and return one copy to Grantee. If Grantee does not, within sixty (60) days following passage of this Ordinance, either express in writing its objections to any terms or provisions contained therein, or reject this Ordinance in its entirety, Grantee shall be deemed to have accepted this Ordinance and all of its terms and conditions.
(Ch. 110 – Ord. 1567 – Oct. 23 Supp)