Licensed bow hunters meeting the requirements established by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and who pass a proficiency examination administered on behalf of the City may hunt antlerless deer within the areas designated as the Denison Special Deer Management Zones on public or private property, under all the following conditions:
      1.   Hunting may occur only on dates designated by the Department of Natural Resources as bow hunting season in the Denison Special Deer Management Zones, but not earlier than November 1, by persons who are at least 18 years of age and possess and carry a valid deer hunting license. In addition, each person must possess and carry written evidence of having passed the City of Denison proficiency examination.
      2.   Hunters must have written permission from the property owner and must carry such written permission, along with the portion of the special deer management zone map which verifies that the property is within the zone, at all times while hunting.
      3.   Hunters shall not carry an uncased bow within 200 feet of any residence or within 75 feet of any trail, road, parking lot or building.
      4.   Hunters must take all shots from an elevated stand and shoot no further than 25 yards.
      5.   Hunters must comply with all rules of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for hunting in such zone.
      6.   Hunters must take all deer meat to be processed or given to charity.
(Ord. 1370 – Oct. 09 Supp.)