(a) The subdivider shall submit a minor subdivision plan, prepared by a registered professional surveyor, and containing the following information:
(1) Name of the subdivider; location by section, range and township, or by parcel number; date; north arrow; scale; and acreage to the nearest hundredths of an acre.
(2) Abutting streets.
(3) The seal of the registered professional surveyor who prepared the minor subdivision plan.
(b) In addition, any of the following information may be required by the Planning Commission on the basis of the characteristics of the subject property:
(1) If a sewage treatment system other than a connection to the public sewer system is proposed, a statement from Village authorities that such sewage treatment system is permitted.
(2) Approval by the appropriate Health Department if on-site sewage disposal systems are proposed.
(3) Lot grading and drainage plan, illustrating a plan for the handling of surface and subsurface drainage, showing proposed finished grade elevations; the type, size, location and outlet of all existing and proposed drainage systems; swales; easements; and the proposed ground cover.
(4) Existing buildings, utilities, and easements if applicable.
(5) Spot elevations.
(6) One hundred (100) year flood plain elevations and delineations.
(7) Other information as deemed necessary by the designated representative of the Planning Commission in order to insure the creation of adequate building sites and to promote the public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 95-35. Passed 11-20-95.)