(a)   Purpose. The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) is to provide a means of development that is flexible and innovative when development of a site by standard, more rigid, conventional zoning district regulations may produce less efficient use of the land and less amenities and benefits for the community and users of the development. Development under planned unit development provisions provides a means of encouraging ingenuity, imagination and flexibility on the part of land owner, engineers, architects, site planners and developers in the planning and design of land areas. It is not the intent of the planned unit development provisions to allow applicants to circumvent the intent of this Zoning Code or to allow development of land not in conformance with the Land Use Plan.
   (b)   Description. The Planned Unit Development may be residential, commercial, or industrial developments or a combination commercial/industrial uses. Each district shall have at a minimum the following net acreage: residential - 2 acres, commercial - 5 acres, industrial - 25 acres, and a combination commercial/industrial - 30 acres. The Planning Commission shall review and find that the combination of uses meets the standards set forth in Section 1113.01.
   (c)   Zoning Applications Procedure. The Planned Unit Development shall be submitted to the Administrator and processed pursuant to subsection (c) hereof. The applicant shall submit a "Request for P.U.D. Designation" application with five copies of the development plan. The application shall include the following:
      (1)   General information.  
         A.   Name, address and phone number of the applicant;
         B.   Name and address of registered surveyor, engineer and/or landscape architect who prepared the plan;
         C.   Legal description of the property;
         D.   Present use of the property;
         E.   Conceptual overview of the development;
         F.   Proposed provision of utilities;
         G.   Proposed ownership and maintenance of common open space; and
         H.   Anticipated timing and phasing of the development.
      (2)   Development plan information.  
         A.   A vicinity/project location map;
         B.   Location, type and density of development types;
         C.   Conceptual drainage plan;
         D.   Location and amount of open space(s);
         E.   Gross lot acreage, net lot acreage, maximum allowable density, proposed density with calculations indicated;
         F.   Maximum site coverage (not required for detached single-family PUD's)
         G.   Topography at two foot contour intervals;
         H.   Existing features of the development site, including major wooded areas, streets, easements, utility lines, and land uses;
         I.   Street layout and names;
         J.   Existing buildings to remain or to be removed, and if the existing buildings remain, indicate proposed use;
         K.   All proposed signs excluding street signs;
         L.   Proposed method of street lighting;
         M.   Landscape material to be used and proposed locations;
         N.   Location, area, and dimensions of all lots, setbacks, and building envelopes; and
         O.   Required number of parking spaces and number of spaces proposed.
   (d)   Additional Information. The Planning Commission, or Administrator may require additional information such as professionally prepared maps, studies or reports including environmental assessments and/or traffic impact studies for the development. The expense for this information is the responsibility of the applicant.
   (e)   Public Hearing Process. Upon the submittal of a complete application and plans as determined by the Planning Commission for a Planned Unit Development, a public hearing shall be called and a thirty day notice shall be given. All adjoining property owners shall be notified by mail as to the public hearing date.
   Upon the approval of the PUD by the Planning Commission, the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the Council and may at its discretion, conduct a public hearing. If approved, the PUD designation shall be officially placed on the zoning map.
   (f)   Standards.
      (1)   General.
         A.   The development shall be in conformance with the goals and objectives of the Delta Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Resolution and applicable Subdivision Regulations (and as amended).
         B.   The uses are compatible with the proposed and existing surrounding land uses.
         C.   The arrangement of land uses and buildings on the site integrate the topography, natural features, views, traffic access and the arrangement of usable common open space.
      (2)   Specific - Residential.
         A.   The maximum number of dwelling units (DU's) permitted per gross site acreage (GSA) is listed in the districts below. An additional dwelling unit is permitted in each district subject to each additional half (l/2) acre provided within the PUD as common and consolidated open space (which may include recreation areas, storm water retention areas, and natural areas).
SR District       R-1 District       R-2 District
3 DU's/GSA       5 DU's/GSA       7 DU's/GSA
R-3 District       R-3 District (Multi-Family)
10 DU's/GSA    15 DU's/GSA
         B.   No more than 40 percent (40%) of gross site acreage shall be devoted to coverage by buildings, structures, street pavement, driveway pavement, and parking area pavement.
         C.   No less than fifteen percent (15%) of the gross site acreage, (5% of which may be a storm water retention facility), none of which is part of any yard or perimeter open space, shall be allocated to usable, accessible and consolidated, common open space and may be allocated on a plat by plat basis.
         D.   An open space area void of buildings, structures, parking areas, or other above-ground improvement shall be maintained along all perimeter property lines of the PUD as follows:
When abutting an "R" District, an open space perimeter area shall be provided that has a minimum depth equal to the required rear yard setback of the PUD's underlying zoning district.
When a residential area of a PUD abuts a "B" or "M" District, an open space perimeter shall be provided that has a minimum depth of seventy-five feet (75'). Building height shall be in accordance with the underlying zoning.
         E.   There may be no minimum lot size, lot-width, building or structure setback requirements except as noted in subsection (f)(2)D. hereof.
         F.   Telephone, electrical, cable, and other utility appurtenances shall be underground.
         G.   There shall be no unattached garages, accessory buildings, or fences on the parcel.
      (3)   Specific - Commercial.  
         A.   Commercial developments shall be planned with common parking areas and common points of ingress and egress. Parking requirements shall be provided pursuant to Section 1121.01, and the number of spaces required shall be determined by each specific use within the PUD.
         B.   An open space area void of buildings, structures, parking areas, or other above-ground improvements except fencing shall be maintained on all perimeter property lines of the PUD:
            1.   A minimum open space depth of thirty feet (30') shall be provided unless a greater setback is required as listed in the underlying zoning district.
            2.   A minimum open space distance of seventy-five feet (75') shall be provided when abutting an "R" District.
         C.   No less than ten percent (10%) of the gross lot acreage (5% of which may be a storm water retention area), none of which shall be a part of any yard, shall be allocated to usable, accessible and consolidated, common open space.
         D.   No more than fifty percent (50%) of gross site acreage shall be devoted to coverage by buildings, structures, street, driveway and parking area pavement.
         E.   Landscaping or screening for parking shall be required, per Section 1121.01.
         F.   There may be no minimum lot size, lot width, building or structure setback requirements except as provided in subsection (f)(3)B. hereof.
         G.   Telephone, electrical, cable, and other utility appurtenances shall be underground.
      (4)   Specific - Industrial.
         A.   Industrial Planned Unit Development shall utilize natural features to screen lighting and parking.
         B.   Landscaping or screening for parking pursuant to Section 1121.01.
         C.   A minimum open space width of seventy-five feet (75') void of buildings, structures, parking areas, or other above-ground improvements except fencing shall be provided and maintained on all perimeter property lines of the PUD unless a greater setback is required by this Zoning Resolution.
         D.   No less than ten percent ( 10%) of the GSA, none of which shall be a part of any yard, shall be allocated to usable, accessible and consolidated, common open space.
         E.   There shall be no minimum lot size, lot width, building or structure requirements except as provided in Section 1117.01.
      (5)   Change to approved plan. Changes or alterations to the development plan as approved by the Planning Commission or Council may be administratively reviewed and approved by the Administrator, except in the following circumstances:
         • Change in the overall acreage of the PUD;
         • Any change in use in the PUD;
         • Substantial alteration to open space areas and their location(s);
         • A significant change in street pattern;
         • A significant change in the landscape plan;
         • An increase in the number of buildings; and
         • Changes in the building/building envelope location(s).
   The changes or alterations listed above shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (6)   Expiration and extension of approval period. If construction of any phase of the approved PUD begins within two years after approval is granted, the approval shall be valid until the development is completed. If no construction has begun within two years after the approval is granted, the PUD shall be void and the land shall revert to the district regulations in which it is located. An extension of the time limit may be approved by the Village of Delta Planning Commission. (Ord. 99-2. Passed 3-1-99.)