(a)   All sidewalks located on Village or public property within the Village which are in need of repair or are in a dangerous condition or which may become dangerous through being broken, or raised, shall be repaired or replaced after notice has been given in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code governing the service of notices and in accordance with Village ordinances.
   (b)   The Village Administrator shall cause to be served a notice stating the condition and location of the sidewalk, and the length of time allotted for the repair thereof.
   (c)   Unless the time frame to repair the sidewalk in question has been extended pursuant to subsection (d) hereof, if after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date of service of the notice the walk has not been repaired, the Village Administrator shall cause the walk to be repaired and the cost, including engineering, inspection and other incidental expenses, shall be certified by the Village Clerk-Treasurer to the County Auditor for collection, either in cash or by assessment, in accordance with Ohio R.C. 729.02(E).
   (d)   A property owner may, in writing, request an extension of time to repair or install. The request for extension of time must state the reason that the compliance with the original deadline cannot be met. The request for extension must be delivered to the Village Administrator in advance of the original deadline. The Village Administrator is authorized to grant an extension of up to thirty (30) days.
(Ord. 08-02. Passed 3-3-08.)