Whoever shall, in an inhabited part of said village, fire or discharge any cannon, anvil, gun, pistol, or other firearm, or shall set on fire or explode any torpedo, firecracker, fireball, rocket, or other fireworks whatsoever, or shall make or kindle any bonfire, shall be guilty of a petty offense, provided the discharge of firearms, the setting off or explosion of fireworks, and the making of bonfires upon national holidays, and in the celebration of other public and general events, or the discharge of blank cartridges by any military company when on parade and in command of the commanding officer, or the discharge of firearms by a village officer or other person in the discharge of any legal duty, when the same is done in such a manner as not to endanger the safety of any person or injure any property, shall not be deemed a violation of this section.
(Prior Code, § 20-18)  (Ord. passed 11-7-1994)  Penalty, see § 10.99