(a) The Shade Tree Commission shall compile an inventory of the trees, shrubs and long-lived perennial plants on municipally-owned lands and within public rights-of-way maintained by the Municipality. With permission of the appropriate governmental entity, the Commission may inventory trees, shrubs and perennial plants on public lands within the municipality that are owned by the United States, the State of Ohio, Defiance County or any township and within rights- of-way maintained by the Department of Transportation. The Commission may inventory trees, shrubs and perennial plants established on privately-owned lands that are adjacent to public land or public rights-of-way and near enough to improvements constructed or proposed for construction on those lands as to, in the opinion of the Commission, affect the utility of the improvements provided, however, that no entity shall be made upon those lands without permission of the owner. The inventory shall include a study of soil and water conditions in the immediate vicinity of the trees, shrubs and perennial plants inventoried and an assessment of probable changes to those soil and water conditions as a result of future development anticipated by the 2030 Land Use Plan or Strategic Plan.
The inventory shall include an assessment of the health of inventoried vegetation and recommendations regarding the species deemed appropriate for planting in each area based on the existing and probable future soil and water conditions at that location.
(b) The Commission shall develop a comprehensive plan for the planting, care, preservation, trimming and removal or other disposition of trees, shrubs and floral displays on municipally-owned lands and other grounds maintained by the municipality and within rights-of- way maintained by the City.
(c) The Commission shall review the inventory and comprehensive plan required by subsections (a) and (b) hereof on a continuing basis and shall conduct not less than six regularly scheduled meetings per year for that purpose. On or before July 1 of each year, the Commission shall present a current inventory and any recommended changes to the comprehensive plan to Council. Upon acceptance of the comprehensive plan by Resolution of Council, the City Administrator shall maintain all trees, shrubs and perennial plants on all lands maintained by the municipality and within municipally maintained rights-of-way in accordance with the recommendations of the comprehensive plan. The Planning Commission and City Administrator shall verify compliance with the comprehensive plan prior to recommending approval of any proposed subdivision to Council.
(d) The Commission may gather and disseminate information to the public regarding the planting, trimming, care and removal of trees and shrubs to promote public awareness of the species recommended for planting within the City and public understanding of the importance of soil, water and other environmental conditions to the selection of appropriate species and varieties for planting at any given location; to promote public understanding of proper techniques for the maintenance of trees and shrubs and to promote public interest in urban forestry and the use of landscaping to reduce energy consumption and improve air and water quality.
(e) The City Administrator may request the Commission to provide site specific advice and guidance regarding the planting or maintenance of landscaping of any land owned or otherwise maintained by the municipality. The Commission shall respond to such requests within a reasonable period of time. The response shall be advisory only and shall not limit discretion otherwise vested in the City Administrator by Charter, General Law or Municipal Ordinance.
(f) The Commission shall implement an annual Arbor Day and program appropriate public educational and ceremonial events to commemorate the observance of Arbor Day.
(Ord. 7456. Passed 12-4-12.)