(a) Permanent employees shall be granted a leave of absence from municipal employment for the performance of voluntary or involuntary service in the uniformed services.
(b) Employees exercising leave pursuant to subsection (a) hereof shall be compensated in accordance with all applicable provisions of Ohio R.C. 5923.05 in effect at the time the leave is taken. In the event Ohio R.C. 5923.05 provides employees of the State and employees of political subdivisions of the State different benefits, the provisions applicable to political subdivisions shall be used to determine the municipal benefits payable pursuant to this section.
(c) In the event a collective bargaining agreement to which the City is a party affords a permanent employee of the municipality fewer rights and benefits than are then payable under subsection (b) of this section, the collective bargaining agreement shall not be enforced and payment shall be made in accordance with the statutory standard.
(d) A municipal employee entitled to leave under this section shall file the published order authorizing the call or order to the uniformed services or a written statement from the appropriate military commander authorizing the employee’s military service from the Human Resource Manager prior to being credited with such leave.
(Ord. 7196. Passed 10-5-10.)