There shall be a Parks and Recreation Board which shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council. Members of the Parks and Recreation Board shall not hold any other Municipal office or employment, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and shall be residents and electors of the City. Three (3) of the initial members would serve a one (1) year term, and three (3) would serve a two (2) year term, and three (3) would serve a three (3) year term, one (1) of whom shall be nominated by the Board of Education of the City of Defiance School District. No individual would be allowed to serve more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms unless the initial members whose term expires after the first year are reappointed. A member in this category could serve seven (7) years. Except for the initial members, all terms of appointment will be for three (3) years. If the Board of Education of the Defiance City School District shall fail to nominate a member within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this section, or within sixty (60) days after any vacancy shall occur for which said Board of Education is to make the appointment, or if it is determined by any Court that said Board of Education does not have the power under the laws of the State of Ohio to make such appointment, then and in those events the Mayor shall make the appointment of such member. The terms of all current Park Board members shall terminate December 31, 1994, however, current Park Board members can be considered for reappointment. New appointments will be made effective January 1, 1995. Board members would serve without compensation. The Director of Parks & Recreation would serve in an advisory capacity only.
When considering appointments, it is recommended the Mayor consider balanced citizen representation from user groups, not to exclude non-users.
Chairperson. At the first meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board each year, the members of said Board shall elect a Chairperson from its membership by majority vote of the members appointed to said Board. The Chairperson so elected shall serve one (1) year at the pleasure of the Board and until a successor is elected by said Parks and Recreation Board.
Vice-Chairperson. At the first meeting of the Parks & Recreation Board each year, the members of said Board shall elect a Vice-Chairperson from its membership by a majority vote of the members appointed to said Board. The Vice-Chairperson shall service one (1 ) year at the pleasure of the Board and until a successor is elected by said Parks and Recreation Board. The duty of the Vice-Chairperson is to become the Acting Chairperson in case of the absence of the said Chairperson.
Secretary. At the first meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board each year, the members thereof shall appoint a secretary, who may be a member of the Board, a person holding other employment with the City or a person from without the employment of the City. The secretary, unless a member of the Board, shall not have any voting rights. The compensation, if any, of the secretary of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be fixed by Council, except that a member of the Board who is appointed secretary shall not receive any compensation. The secretary shall keep an accurate journal of the proceedings and actions of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Meetings and Organization. A majority of the members of the Parks and Recreation Board shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of the members appointed to such Board shall be necessary to take any action and for the passage of motions. Rules providing for the number and manner of calling meetings and special meetings, and providing for the conduct of meetings, may be adopted by a majority vote of the members appointed to the Board.
Powers, Duties and Functions. The Parks and Recreation Board shall promote the development, maintenance and operation of the parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities and programs of the City; render assistance to and cooperate with organized groups conducting recreation programs; stimulate interest in the care and preservation of historical and scenic sites; make recommendations to the Council concerning the general state of the City's recreation and parks programs and facilities; and perform such other duties and functions as the Council shall require by ordinance; provided, however, that the power to acquire, purchase and accept as donations, or to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of, real property for parks and recreation purposes shall be vested in the Council. (Amended November 8, 1994)