Should a vacancy occur on Defiance City Council (including the President of Council), the Council shall select and appoint a replacement by majority vote within 30 days. If the Council fails to fill a vacancy within 30 days, the President of Council shall appoint a replacement within 15 days of Council’s failure to do so. If the Council fails to fill a vacancy in the office of President of Council within 30 days, the Mayor shall appoint a replacement within 15 days of Council’s failure to do so. Appointed replacements shall serve until a successor is elected and qualified to hold office for the unexpired term. If Ohio statutes then in effect do not provide for the election of a successor, the appointed replacement shall hold office for the unexpired term.
If a majority of the Council, for any reason, shall vacate their positions on Council, any elector of the City may appeal to the Court of Common Pleas of Defiance County to appoint the required number of new members from the list of registered voters to fill the vacancies on Council. The new members shall serve until the end of the terms of the former Council members whose positions they fill by Court appointment. (Amended November 4, 2014)