(a)    No sign shall be erected on public property or within any public right of way except by governmental authorities in the discharge of a governmental function or pursuant to a license to occupy the right-of-way granted in accordance with Section 131.03;
   (b)    No Ground Sign shall be erected within 10 feet of any public right-of-way or within 150 feet of any other Ground Sign located adjacent to the same side of the same public right-of- way;
   (c)    No sign shall be erected in any place that interferes with the ventilation system of a building or impedes access to any fire hydrant or standpipe, fire extinguisher or fire alarm or to any door, window, fire escape or other means of egress from a building;
   (d)    No sign exhibiting animated graphic illustrations, flashing or rotating lights or mirrors, banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners or similar devices that move or change appearance shall be erected in any place that is visible from a public right-of-way or from publicly or privately owned lands customarily open to vehicular traffic. This paragraph does not prohibit the erection of public service devices that display the date, time, temperature or news information in a manner that does not imitate or distract attention from traffic control devices;
   (e)    No illuminated sign shall be erected in any place that results in objectionable brightness or glare in any residential premises or on any public right of way.
   (f)    No billboard shall be erected.
   (g)    Abandon Signs, Obscene Signs, Portable Signs, Roof Signs and Vehicular Signs are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and are prohibited.
(Ord. 6283. Passed 3-26-02.)