(a)    As used in this chapter, the terms: "Sign" "Closed Sign" "Ground Sign" "Marquee Sign', “Open Sign”, "Portable Sign" "Projecting Sign" "Roof Sign" "Temporary Sign" and "Wall Sign" shall be accorded the meaning attributed to them by the Ohio Building Code.
   (b)    "Abandoned Sign" means a sign that no longer carries a readable message or that directs the public to a location where goods or services advertised are no longer available.
   (c)    "Area" means the area encompassed by the smallest circle, ellipse, triangle, rectangle, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon or octagon that completely contains a sign, including any perimeter frame, but excluding all supports or uprights on which the sign may be placed. Where a sign consists of individual letters, words or symbols, the area of each component shall be computed and total sign area shall be computed as the sum of the areas encompassed by the individual components.
   (d)    "Billboard" means any sign advertising, identifying, or directing attention to any product, service, entertainment, or commercial activity that is not offered on the lot on which the sign is located.
   (e)    "Building Frontage" means the length of any exterior wall of a building facing a public right of way. In a building that is subdivided by a party wall or walls into spaces with separate exterior entrances, “Building Frontage” means the length of the exterior wall or walls of the building facing the public right-of-way measured to the center of the party wall or walls. In the event a building or building unit fronts more than one public right-of-way, the "Building Frontage" shall be separately calculated for each facade.
   (f)    "Erect" means to construct, assemble, install, alter or relocate a sign and includes the acts of attaching, affixing, hanging, suspending, painting and placement of signs, but does not include repair or replacement of changeable copy, repainting, cleaning or other maintenance that does not involve the repair or replacement of foundation elements, structural members or electrical components.
   (g)    "Flag" means any sign of cloth or similar material anchored along one side and displayed from a single pole, either freestanding or attached to a building, displaying the ensign, emblem or insignia of a governmental, corporate, educational, or athletic entity or other organization.
   (h)    "Frontage" means "lot frontage" as defined by Section 1141.07 and measured in accordance with Chapter 1141 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (i)    "Illuminated Sign" means any sign that is illuminated by any internal or external light source other than non-reflected natural daylight or ambient public street lighting.
   (j)    "Obscene Sign" means a sign that depicts or otherwise communicates matter deemed "obscene" or "harmful to juveniles" under standards established by the Ohio Revised Code.
   (k)    "Person" means any individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability corporation or other legal entity.
   (l)    "Vehicular Sign" means any sign attached or applied to or painted on a vehicle for the primary purpose of advertising or directing attention to a product, service, entertainment, or commercial activity but does not include words, graphics or other communication that serves to identify the vehicle as one ordinarily and routinely used and operated in the course of the business advertised.
   (m)    "Window Sign" means a non-illuminated sign painted on, applied to or installed inside a window for viewing from outside the premises but does not include window displays of merchandise.
(Ord. 6283. Passed 3-26-02.)