Every building, industrialized unit, manufactured housing unit or other structure of any description used, or intended for use as, a dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming house shall have the facilities required by this section and conform to the minimum space, access and ventilation requirements of this section:
(a) A kitchen sink in good working condition, properly connected to the municipal water distribution and sewage collection systems and supplied with both hot and cold running water.
(b) A bathroom affording privacy and equipped with:
(1) A flush toilet in good working order and properly connected to the municipal water distribution and sewage collection systems;
(2) A lavatory basin and a bathtub or shower in good working condition, properly connected to the municipal water distribution and sewage collection systems and supplied with both hot and cold running water;
(3) Floor surfaces constructed and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and as to permit the floor to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition;
(4) One or more windows of adequate size to fulfill the light and ventilation requirements of a habitable room or a mechanical or gravity system affording equivalent ventilation and maintained in proper working order
(5) At least one wall or ceiling-type electric light fixture properly installed, maintained in good and safe working condition and connected to an approved source of electric power in a safe approved manner.
(c) Water-heating facilities properly installed, maintained in safe working condition and capable of heating water to such a temperature as will permit an adequate amount of water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub or shower, at a temperature of not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of whether or not room-heating facilities are in operation.
(d) Heating facilities properly installed, vented and maintained in safe operating condition, capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and water closet compartments in every dwelling unit and rooming unit located therein to a temperature of at least seventy degrees Fahrenheit at a distance of three feet above floor level when the outside temperature is ten degrees Fahrenheit.
(e) Adequate containers for the collection, storage and ultimate disposal of garbage and other wastes intended for disposal by deposit to the Defiance County landfill, containers conforming to the requirements of the municipal recycling program for the collection, storage and ultimate disposal of all recyclable wastes, suitable containers for the collection, storage and ultimate disposal of or facilities for the composting of yard wastes, all of which shall be constructed of suitable materials and so located as to prevent infestation by insects, rodents, vermin and other pests.
(f) Every dwelling and dwelling unit shall contain at least 100 square feet of floor space for the first occupant thereof, and at least fifty additional square feet of floor space for each additional occupant, calculated on the basis of habitable room area only exclusive of the floor area of that part of any habitable room where the ceiling height is less than five feet.
(g) Every habitable room shall contain:
(1) A ceiling height of at least seven feet over not less than one half of the floor area;
(2) One floor or wall-type electric convenience outlet and one ceiling lighting fixture or two electric convenience outlets, properly installed, maintained in safe working condition and connected to an approved source of electric power in an approved manner;
(3) At least one window that is facing directly to out-of-doors open space and can be easily opened. The minimum total window area, measured between stops, for every habitable room shall be ten percent of the floor area of such room, unobstructed by any portion of a structure or wall less than five feet from the outside of such window. The total openable window area for each habitable room shall be at least forty-five percent of the required window area;
(h) Every room occupied for sleeping purposes shall contain sixty square feet of floor space for one occupant or forty square feet of floor space for each occupant if more than one.
(i) No cellar space shall be used as a habitable room, dwelling unit or rooming unit.
(j) No basement space shall be used as a habitable room, dwelling unit or rooming unit unless:
(1) The floor and walls are impervious to the leakage of underground and surface run-off water and are well drained and protected against dampness.
(2) The total of window area in each room is equal to at least fifteen percent of the floor area of the room as measured between stops and is entirely above the grade of the ground adjoining such window area.
(3) The total openable window area of each habitable room is forty-five percent of the required window area.
(4) It is separated from heating equipment or other equally hazardous equipment by a standard partition; and,
(5) Access can be gained without passage through a furnace room.
(k) Every bathroom, hall, furnace room and laundry room shall contain at least one wall or ceiling-type electric light fixture, properly installed, maintained in safe working condition and connected to an approved source of electric power in a safe approved manner.
(l) Every outer door shall be equipped with screen doors with self-closing devices and every openable window or other opening to the outside of a dwelling shall be fitted with screens for protection against flies, mosquitoes or other insects, provided, however, that the Housing Inspector may waive compliance with this requirement as to doors, windows and other opening that, if opened, would provide ventilation in excess of the minimum amount required by this section and are unlikely to be kept open for protracted periods of time by reason of their location in relation to interior or exterior fixtures or furnishings or because the dwelling, rooming house, dwelling unit or rooming unit is equipped with air conditioning apparatus that is properly installed, in good working order and supplied with electricity.
(m) Two dwelling units within a multiple dwelling and up to five rooming units within a rooming house may share a common bathroom provided:
(1) The common facilities comply with all requirements of subsection (b) hereof;
(2) Not more than a total of ten persons occupy the dwelling or rooming units making use of the common facilities; and,
(3) All dwelling units or rooming units making use of the common facilities are arranged in a manner that permits access to the bathroom from any such dwelling unit or rooming unit without passing through another dwelling unit or rooming unit.
(n) Every public hall and stairway in a multiple dwelling or rooming house shall be lighted to at least one foot-candle on the floor or stair at all times.
(o) Every dwelling unit and rooming unit shall have access to at least one approved and unobstructed means of egress leading to a safe and open space at ground level and to a public street or alley.
(p) In multiple dwellings where there is more than one dwelling unit on a second story and in rooming houses where there is more than one rooming unit on a second story, access and egress shall be provided by:
(1) A minimum of two approved and unobstructed exit ways serving every occupied story above or below the first story; or,
(2) An approved and unobstructed stairway enclosed by fire resistant materials sufficient to justify a one-hour fire rating.
(q) Ingress and egress shall be provided by a minimum of two approved and unobstructed exit ways serving every occupied story above or below the first story of any multiple dwelling or rooming house in which there are:
(1) More than 2,400 square feet of floor area on the second story;
(2) More than one story above the first story, or
(3) More than fifty feet between any dwelling unit or rooming unit and the nearest stairway.
(r) No multiple dwelling or rooming house shall be so arranged as to require passage through a habitable room of any dwelling unit or rooming unit to gain access to another dwelling unit or rooming unit.
(Ord. 6223. Passed 6-12-01.)