(a)   A sign conforming to the regulations prevailing on the effective date of this chapter, but which does not conform to this chapter, or any amendment hereto, shall be construed as a legal nonconforming use.
   (b)   Any sign which becomes a nonconforming sign due to a zoning change shall be considered a legal nonconforming sign and shall be treated in accordance with this section.
   (c)   Nonconforming signs shall be maintained in good condition pursuant to Section 1179.10 Maintenance.
   (d)   Nonconforming signs shall be removed and any subsequent modification or replacement (excluding maintenance pursuant to Section 1179.10 Maintenance shall conform to this chapter when:
      (1)   More than 50% of the value of the sign has been destroyed or has been taken down; or
      (2)   The use to which the nonconforming sign is accessory is vacant for 90 consecutive days. Permanent signs associated with a seasonal business may be exempted.
   (e)   A nonconforming sign shall not be altered, modified or reconstructed, other than to comply with this chapter, except:
      (1)   When the existing use has new ownership which results in a change in the name of the use or business on the property;
      (2)   When the space is reoccupied by a similar use and the new occupant requires no external building or site renovation; or
      (3)   When a new sign pursuant to subsections (e)(1) or (2) above is changed by replacing a sign panel or by repainting a sign face only. Such alterations shall not require changes to the structure, framing, erection or location of the sign unless such changes conform to this chapter.
   (f)   A nonconforming sign that is not removed within the time periods as specified in this section, in compliance with the order, may be removed by the City at the expense of the property owner. To recover the costs from the property owner, the city may certify the total cost, together with a proper description of the land, to the Defiance County Auditor to place such costs upon the tax duplicate, or the City may commence a civil action against the property owner for the costs.
(Ord. 7675. Passed 11-11-14.)