In order to control post-construction water quality damage and damage to public and private lands, the owner of each development area shall be responsible for developing a post-construction plan as part of the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. The detailed requirements of the Post-construction Plan can be found in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook.
   (a)   This plan will be combined with the construction site plan and the riparian/wetland setback plans that are also developed for the site.
   (b)   This plan will contain a description of controls appropriate for each construction operation covered by these regulations, and the operator will implement such controls in a timely manner.
   (c)   The BMPs used to satisfy the conditions of these regulations shall meet the standards and specifications in the current edition of the Ohio Rain Water and Land Development Manual or other manual that is acceptable to the City Engineer.
   (d)   The plan must make use of the practices that preserve the existing natural condition to the MEP.
   (e)   To meet the post-construction requirements of this regulation, the post-construction water quality plan must contain a description of the post-construction BMPs that will be installed during construction for the site and the rationale for their selection. The rationale must address the anticipated impacts on the channel and flood plain morphology, hydrology, and water quality.
   (f)   Structural post-construction BMPs cannot be installed within state surface water (e.g., wetland or stream) unless it is authorized by a Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification and/or Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit.
   (g)   This plan will identify the person or entity responsible for continued maintenance of all vegetative and/or mechanical BMPs for both the construction and post-construction phases of the development.
   (h)   Long-term maintenance requirements and schedules of all BMPs for both the construction and post-construction phases of the development will be provided as a stand-alone document to the post-construction operator and the City.
      (1)   This plan will contain long-term maintenance inspection schedules, including the printed name and contact point of the post-construction landowner (e.g., president of the homeowners association, store manager, apartment complex manager, etc.).
      (2)   This plan will identify the person or entity that will serve as the post-construction operator who will be financially responsible for maintaining the perpetual inspection and maintenance of permanent storm water conveyance and storage structures and other conservation practices.
      (3)   The method of ensuring that funding will be available to conduct the long-term maintenance and inspections of all permanent storm water, soil erosion and sediment control and water quality practices will be identified.
      (4)   Maintenance plans must ensure that pollutants collected within structural post-construction practices, be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.
      (5)   Maintenance plans must include legally binding perpetual maintenance easements and agreements. Easement documents must provide for community access.
      (6)   Detailed requirements for post-construction plans are found in the City of Defiance Storm Water Management standards. These standards are found in the Engineering Handbook.
         (Ord. 7675. Passed 11-11-14.)