(a)   Where the City Engineer determines that the design and construction of utilities, pavements, or other improvements are integral to the orderly development of adjacent properties or to the development of an efficient, adequately designed utility or pavement network for service to the geographic area in which the subdivision is located, the City Engineer shall require the developer to oversize (enlarge) the improvement in design and construction, or require the construction of extensions from improvements to be constructed in the subdivision, so as to provide service to property beyond the boundary of the subdivision.
   (b)   The subdivider shall be required to pay for only that part of the construction costs for the arterial streets, trunk sewers or water lines which are serving the proposed subdivision, as determined by the City Engineer.
      (1)   The City may pay the difference between the cost of required improvements for the proposed subdivision and improvements required to service the surrounding areas.
      (2)   Each case requiring city participation shall require approval by City Council.
         (Ord. 7675. Passed 11-11-14.)