(a) General Street Requirements.
(1) The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, construction and location of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions and public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
(2) The street pattern shall discourage through traffic in the interior of a subdivision.
(3) The subdivider shall provide, within the boundaries of the subdivision plat, the necessary right-of-way for the widening, continuance or alignment of such streets in conformity with the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
(4) Streets are subject to the design and construction requirements of the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook.
(5) Conformity to Major Thoroughfare Plan and Other Ordinances.
A. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, construction, and location of all streets or extensions thereof shall conform to the city's Major Thoroughfare Plan.
B. Thoroughfares not contained in the Major Thoroughfare Plan shall conform to the design standards set forth in this chapter.
(6) Access.
A. Access points are subject to the standards of the City of Defiance Access Management Regulations.
B. Access from subdivisions of all types of developments to arterial and collector streets, in order to provide maximum safety and convenience, shall be provided by streets or drives serving all lots or developments within the subdivision.
C. Streets or drives serving commercial or industrial developments and their accessory parking areas shall connect with arterial or collector streets so as not to generate traffic on local or residential streets.
D. Where a subdivision adjoins an arterial street, a marginal access street shall be designed if the subdivision design is such that residential lots would require direct vehicular access onto the arterial highway.
E. Access points to local streets from lots within the subdivision shall not be located nearer than the standards specified in the Access Management Regulations.
F. No original parcel as of January 1, 1975, shall be denied access.
G. Driveways for agricultural operations and temporary driveways are exempted from this section.
(b) Street Design Standards.
(1) Cul-de-Sacs, Local, and Loop-Type Local Streets.
A. The design and improvement standards for cul-de-sacs and local streets are contained in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook and are suggested minimum standards.
B. Exceptions to the standards contained in City of Defiance Engineering Handbook are permitted under certain conditions for large lots. See Section 1165.08 Variances.
C. In the event of a conflict between standards contained the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook and the current edition of the Major Thoroughfare Plan, the Major Thoroughfare Plan shall control.
(2) Collector Streets.
A. The design and improvement standards for collector streets contained in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook are minimum standards for all collector streets.
B. If a standard contained herein conflicts with the Major Thoroughfare Plan, the Major Thoroughfare Plan shall control.
(3) Dead-End Streets.
A. Permanent dead-end streets shall not be permitted.
B. Temporary dead-end streets shall be permitted only as part of a continuing street plan and only if a temporary turnaround satisfactory to the city engineer in design is provided and provisions for maintenance and removal are advanced.
C. Requirements for safety vehicles must be considered.
D. Temporary dead-end streets longer than 200 feet shall not be permitted.
(4) Half-Streets.
A. Dedication of new half-streets shall not be permitted.
B. Where a dedicated or platted half-street exists adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted.
(5) Alleys.
A. Alleys may be required in commercial and industrial districts if other provisions cannot be made for adequate service access.
B. The minimum width of right-of-way for alleys shall be in accordance with the standards in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook.
C. The minimum pavement width for alleys shall be in accordance with the standards in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook.
(6) Visibility and Curvature.
A. Horizontal Alignment
1. A curve of adequate radius shall connect tangents.
2. Between reverse curves, a minimum tangent in accordance with the standards in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook shall be introduced.
B. Vertical Alignment.
1. Minimum vertical visibility shall conform to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regulations in effect on the date of the approval of the preliminary plat.
2. No street grade shall be less than the standards contained in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook. In the event of a conflict between the Engineering Handbook and the Major Thoroughfare Plan, the Major Thoroughfare Plan shall control.
C. Visibility and sight distances are subject to the standards of the City of Defiance Access Management Regulations.
(7) Street Intersections.
A. The design and improvement standards for intersections are contained in the City of Defiance Engineering Handbook and are suggested minimum standards for all street intersections in subdivisions.
B. In the event of a conflict between the Engineering Handbook and the Major Thoroughfare Plan or the Access Management Regulations, the Major Thoroughfare Plan or Access Management Regulations shall control.
C. Multiple intersections involving junctions of more than two streets shall be avoided.
(8) Street Dedications. A street that is not constructed to City standards will not be accepted by the City for dedication as a public street. However, even a street that complies with all applicable city standards may not be accepted for dedication. (Ord. 7675. Passed 11-11-14.)