(a)   Within ten days following receipt of notice from any video service provider of its intent to begin providing video services in the City, the Law Director shall notify the video service provider of the existence of this chapter and the requirements thereof including the obligation to pay a video service provider fee equal to five percent (5%) of gross revenue and the inclusion of advertising revenue in the definition of gross revenue.
   (b)   On the passage of any ordinance effecting a change in the location of Municipal corporation limits, the Law Director shall notify all video service providers known to be providing video service in the City and areas adjacent to the City. If such boundary change results from annexation of territory to the Municipality, the Law Director shall notify any video service provider known to be providing video service in the newly annexed territory that has not be apprised by the existence of this chapter and its requirements pursuant to subsection (a) hereof of the existence of this chapter and the requirements thereof including the obligation to pay a video service provider fee equal to five percent (5%) of gross revenue and the inclusion of advertising revenue in the definition of gross revenue.
   (c)   The Law Director is authorized to take such action or actions as may be appropriate to secure performance of franchise obligations where the duty to honor such obligations notwithstanding termination of the franchise by operation of Ohio R.C. 1332.23 is required of the former franchisee or any new entrant to the Municipal video service market by express provision of Ohio R.C. 1332.21 to 1332.34.
(Ord. 6994. Passed 10-28-08.)