(a) The contractor shall remove all garbage, refuse and other waste collected by the contractor, pursuant to the contract, within the City, in collection vehicles suited to the type of waste transported, and shall dispose of such garbage, refuse and other waste daily, at the Defiance County Landfill, in such manner as not to constitute a public or private nuisance or be dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. The collection vehicles employed by the contractor for the collection of garbage, refuse or noxious wastes must have all-metal, watertight, packer-type bodies that are designed and manufactured for the collection of such wastes.
(b) As an adjunct to the collection vehicles, the contractor may employ other auxiliary vehicles to transport waste from the point specified for collection to the collection vehicle, provided that the waste is not transported in an auxiliary vehicle a greater distance than three City blocks. On an annual basis all vehicles used by the contractor will be safety inspected by the State Police. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to schedule said inspection and notify the City after completion of the inspection. The contractor shall exercise due diligence to prevent the leakage, blowing or dropping of waste from the auxiliary vehicles while transporting said waste. The contractor shall not permit any vehicle used by him or her to collect or transport refuse to stand or be parked within the City for a period of more than one hour, unless such refuse shall have been first removed therefrom. Each vehicle shall be clearly numbered and kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(Ord. 5466. Passed 9-7-93.)