As used in this chapter:
(a)    "Auxiliary vehicle" means a vehicle employed by a contractor to transport waste from a point of collection to a collection vehicle in accordance with specifications.
(b)    "Collection vehicle" means a truck with an all-metal, watertight, packer-type body that is designed and manufactured for the collection of garbage, refuse and rubbish.
(c)    "Construction waste" means waste from building construction, alterations or repairs, dirt from excavation, and unusual manufacturing or trade waste which is not classified as Municipal waste.
(d)   Garbage" means all refuse and waste of animals, fish, fowl, fruit and vegetable matter, and any other material so designated by the County Department of Health or the State Department of Health, which accumulated in the use and preparation of food for the table and that has been discarded and abandoned and is no longer of value to the owner for ordinary purposes of domestic consumption, and includes all refuse arising from the dealing in or storing of the aforesaid substances.
(e)    "Recycleables" means newsprint, cans, glass, corrugated cardboard, aluminum and plastics #1 and #2. "Recyclables" does not include slick paper advertisements, pasteboard or plastic bags.
(f)    "Refuse" means only such matter as was either in fact noxious or has been refused and abandoned by its owner as worthless.
(g)    "Rubbish" means wire, chips, shavings, bottles, broken glass, crockery, tin, cast and wooden ware, boxes, rags, paper circulars, handbills, boots, shoes or any other litter or trash whatsoever.
(h)    "Waste" means all matter set out for collection by a contractor from dwelling units served hereunder, consistent with the scope of service specified herein.
(i)    "Yard waste" means grass, brush, tree limbs, hedge clippings and leaves.
      (Ord. 5466. Passed 9-7-93.)