(a)   In the event of actual or suspected spillage or other unintended or mistaken release of any substance that may result in an illicit discharge, the person having control of the premises on which such actual or suspected release occurs shall take all necessary steps to ensure prompt discovery, containment, and cleanup of the released substance upon learning of information from which the occurrence of the release might reasonably be suspected.
   (b)   In the event the substance released is a hazardous material, the occupant of residential premises on which the actual or suspected release occurs or person responsible for the conduct of industrial or commercial operations on non-residential premises on which the actual or suspected release occurs shall immediately notify governmental emergency response agencies of the release or suspected release upon discovery of information from which the occurrence of the release might reasonably be suspected. Notice shall be given by telephoning the emergency dispatch services of the Defiance County Sheriff's Department (911).
   (c)   In the event the substance released is a non-hazardous material, the person having control of the premises on which the actual or suspected release occurs shall notify the City Administrator of the occurrence within 24 hours. Notice shall be given in writing on forms prescribed by the City Administrator and shall include:
      (1)   The name, address, contact telephone number and, if applicable, employment position of the person making the report;
      (2)   Address of the premises on which the actual or suspected spill or other release occurred;
      (3)   A description of the substance or substances released;
      (4)   A statement of the cause of the release or suspected release;
      (5)   An estimate of the duration of the discharge and time interval over which it occurred;
      (6)   An estimate of the volume each substance discharged;
      (7)   In the event the illicit discharge is continuing at the time the report is made, an estimate of the time required to eliminate the discharge;
      (8)   A statement of precautions proposed to be taken to prevent reoccurrence of the illicit discharge.
   (d)   In the event the actual or suspected spillage or other unintended or mistaken release occurs on premises devoted to industrial activities, the owner or operator of the facility shall compile and retain an on-site written record of the discharge and actions taken to prevent its recurrence in accordance with NPDES discharge permit requirements. A copy of the initial report may be filed with the City Administrator in lieu of any report required by subsection (c) hereof.
(Ord. 7385. Passed 4-3-12.)