(a) All meters and remote reading devices shall be paid for by the water user and furnished and owned by the City, and no person but its employees shall connect, disconnect or in any way tamper with such meters and remote reading devices. They will be maintained and replaced when necessary at no cost to the water user, unless the user's actions or negligence caused damage to the meter or remote reading devices.
(b) The replacement of existing meters which do not have remote reading devices will be done by the City on a program basis approved by Council. The customer shall pay fifteen dollars ($15.00) of the replacement cost.
(c) The owner shall provide an acceptable location for the meter, safe from freezing and easily accessible to the City meter serviceman and meter reader. The meter installation inside a building shall have approved shutoff valves and other necessary connections to be provided by the owner. The proper size of commercial and industrial meters and the installation requirements shall be determined by the City Engineer.
(d) Only in special cases will outside underground meter installations be allowed, and then only in pits constructed to City standards. Whenever meters are found to be without adequate support, with defective plumbing or without shut-off or bypass equipment, the Water Division shall have the authority to notify the owner to remedy the condition within ten days from date of notification. If the specified repairs or alterations are not completed within the time allowed, the water service shall be shut off until the repairs or alterations are completed.
(Ord. 3315. Passed 7-1-75.)