(a) The City Administrator is hereby authorized to issue service line water taps for property outside the City on existing or extended water mains for the same charges and under the same terms and conditions as heretofore specified in this chapter, upon the condition that the property owners enter into a written agreement to support annexation to the City if feasible. No other lot service tap connections other than those authorized shall be made for property outside the City, unless authorized by legislation of record. This section shall be construed so as to require every dwelling or business place to obtain a separate service tap and shall not be construed so as to permit an extension of any existing main, leg or extension, or to permit a tap on existing mains, legs and extensions now servicing subdivisions.
(b) Council will refrain from determining approval or disapproval of tap requests on any section of the extension of the twelve-inch water main on Christy Road from Breckler Road to Flory Road, then on Flory Road westerly to Evansport Road, commonly known as the County Home Water Line, until it receives notification from the Board of County Commissioners that all reimbursement fees provided for by resolution of the Commissioners, entitled "Reimbursement Rate, Defiance County Home Water Line," passed January 22, 1979, have been paid. "Tap," as used in this subsection only shall be as defined in such resolution.
(Ord. 3721. Passed 1-7-78; Ord. 3773. Passed 3-20-79; Ord. 5503. Passed 12-21-93.)