Fences, walls, plant material, and similar screening devices located in any front yard area may not exceed three (3) feet in height. Fences and walls located in any side yard or rear yard area shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
   (a)    All bamboo, electric and barbed wire fences shall be prohibited.
   (b)   All fences shall be properly maintained by the owners of the property on which they are located. Such maintenance shall include painting, cleaning, and structural soundness in the case of a fence, wall, or other man-made object; and trimming, pruning, cutting, and other landscaping in the case of a hedge or other planting so that there is no aesthetic detriment to the surrounding area.
   (c)   Fence Permits. All fences, regardless of type or height, require an approved fence permit on a form provided by the Zoning Inspector. Fence permits shall be reviewed for compliance to these regulations by the Zoning Inspector.
   (d)   Measurement Standards. Fence height shall be measured as the vertical distance    between the grade of the ground abutting the fence and the top edge of the fence material including any ornamental or decorative extensions of a fence. For fences on sloping ground or on retaining walls, solid fence height of six (6) feet may be permitted as measured from the up-slope property so long as a total height, inclusive of any retaining wall, does not exceed ten (10) feet as measured from the down-slope property.
   (e)   The use of slats or other similar screening materials in a fence to meet any screening requirement in this Zoning Code shall be prohibited.
Illustration showing allowable residential fencing locations for both a 3 ft. maximum fence in the front yard area and a 6 ft. maximum fence in a side and rear yard for a mid-block lot.
Illustration showing allowable residential fencing locations for a 6 ft. high maximum fence
in the side and rear yard of a corner lot.
Illustration showing the standard for measuring the height of a fence.