Any owner, or agent thereof, of property for which a conditional use is proposed, shall make an application for a conditional use permit by filing it with the Zoning Inspector. Any application for a conditional use shall be accompanied by the following contents.
(a) Name, address, and phone number of the applicant;
(b) A legal description of the property;
(c) A detailed description of the existing use and proposed use;
(d) The zoning district in which it is located;
(e) A narrative statement evaluating the effects on adjoining property; the effect of those elements such as noise, glare, odor, fumes, and vibration on adjoining property; a discussion of the general compatibility with adjacent and other properties in the district;
(f) If a proposed conditional use meets the requirements for a site plan application submission as provided for in Chapter 1139, the conditional use application shall also contain those site plan application requirements.