The following design standards shall apply to all proposed temporary and permanent signs proposed for the “MUB” zoning district and “PO” zoning district.
(a) In addition to ensuring compliance with this Chapter, the Zoning Inspector, in reviewing all signs, shall also:
(1) Consider the proposed general design, arrangement, texture, material, colors, lighting and placement.
(2) Consider the appropriateness of the proposed sign in relationship to other signs and structures, both on the premises and in the surrounding areas.
(3) Approve signs which are consistent with the intent, purposes, standards and criteria of this Chapter.
(b) Specific standards for determining the appropriateness of signs shall be as follows:
(1) The lettering shall be large enough to be easily read but not overly large or out of scale with the building or site.
(2) The number of items (letters, symbols, shapes) shall be consistent with the amount of information which can be comprehended by the viewer, reflect simplicity, avoid visual clutter and improve legibility.
(3) The shape of the sign shall be simple and not create visual clutter.
(4) A ratio between the message and the background shall permit easy recognition of the message.
(5) The size, style and location of the sign shall be appropriate to the activity of the site.
(6) The sign shall complement the building and adjacent buildings by being designed and placed to enhance the architecture.
(7) The sign should be consolidated into a minimum number of elements.
(8) Signs shall have an appropriate contrast and be designed with a limited number of, and with the harmonious use of, colors.
(9) Extraneous sign elements, by virtue of inappropriate remodeling, and which exist at the time a new sign is proposed, shall be removed to improve the clarity and design of the proposed sign and restore the character of the building.
(10) Signs, if seen in series, shall have a continuity of design, with the style of sign generally consistent throughout the building or block.
(11) Instructional signs shall contain the minimum information and the minimum area necessary to convey the message and instruct the viewer in the safe and efficient use of the facility.
(12) Visible frames or supports for projecting signs shall be artistic in nature.
(13) A sign should be constructed with a minimum of different types of material so as to provide a consistent overall appearance.