All permanent signs shall require a permit. Permitted permanent signs shall be classified into one of the four following types: wall signs, projecting signs, window signs and ground-mounted signs.
   (a)   Wall signs may be erected on a building wall or extension of a building wall which faces a street, parking lot or service drive, and such sign may not extend beyond any building setback lines. Wall signs shall be attached parallel to the building face and extend outward perpendicular from the building face a maximum of ten inches except as follows: Signs may be painted on an awning area or attached to a canopy, marquee, or roof which projects beyond the building, provided that no part of such sign shall extend above the roof line, canopy, or marquee.
Wall Sign
   (b)   Ground-mounted signs may be erected on a lot provided the location, height, and other characteristics of the sign meet the regulations of this Chapter.
Ground Mounted Sign
   (c)   Permanent window signs shall be limited to signs denoting the identification of the occupant, the address of the premises, and its use. Window signs shall be limited to one sign per window and shall not exceed one-fourth of the total area of the     window, and in no case exceed ten (10) square feet.
Window Sign
   (d)   Projecting signs may be attached to the face of a building and providing the sign projects no more than eighteen (18) inches from the building face. All signs projecting over city property shall be installed so as to ensure a minimum of ten (10) feet of clearance from the bottom of the sign to the sidewalk pavement. If extended over any roadway or alley, fifteen (15) feet of clearance from the bottom of the sign to the roadway pavement shall be provided to permit safe vehicular traffic. A projecting sign may encroach into the public right-of-way provided the other conditions of this Chapter are met.
Awning Sign                                     
Projecting Sign
   (e)   The following general requirements shall apply to all permanent signs:
      (1)   Illumination. Illumination shall be from a concealed or indirect light source and shall not flash, blink, fluctuate, travel, move, or in any manner fail to provide constant illumination and shall not create a hazard or visibility problem or interfere with or impair vehicular traffic. The level of illumination emitted from a sign shall not be of an intensity to constitute a demonstrable safety hazard to vehicular movement on any street from which the sign may be viewed. Illuminated signs shall be constructed and maintained so that the source of illumination is shielded or otherwise prevented from beaming directly onto adjacent properties or streets.
      (2)   Animation, message centers, and moving signs. Message centers, flashing signs, moving signs, and the animation of signs is prohibited.
      (3)   Construction. The construction of all signs, including any electrical wiring necessary for the operation of illuminated signs shall conform to the specifications of the Ohio Basic Building Code. All signs shall be adequately maintained and shall not constitute a safety hazard.
      (4)   Location.
         A.   All permanent signs shall be located on the same parcel which is being promoted, identified, or advertised.
         B.   In no case shall any part of a sign be placed in, over, or extend onto any public right-of-way, except for publicly-owned signs, such as traffic control and directional signs, sandwich board signs and projecting signs as regulated in this Chapter. In no case shall any part of a sign be placed in, over, or extend above the roof line of any structure.
(f)   The height of the sign shall be measured from the established grade which shall be defined as that point where the grade line intersects the front wall of the building.
      (Ord. 2009-09. Passed 5-11-09; Ord. 2023-06. Passed 5-1-23.)