(a)    In all zoning districts, applicants shall plant and maintain shade trees along any portionof the subject development site that abuts a public street in compliance with the following:
   (b)    Species and Location Requirements.
      (1)   Trees shall be limited to species characterized as hardy, long-lived shade trees.
         Approved Street Trees (a minimum three inch caliper at planting):
            Princeton Elm (Ulmus americana ‘Princeton')
            Liberty Elm (Ulmus americana ‘Liberty')
            Lacebark Elm ‘Allee' (Ulmus parvifolia ‘Allee')
            Lacebark Elm ‘Athena' (Ulmus parvifolia ‘Athena')
            Lacebark Elm ‘Milliken' (Ulmus parvifolia ‘Milliken')
            Golden Rain Tree (Jadera haematoloma))
            Japanese Scholar Tree (Sophora japonica)
            Japanese Zelkova ‘Green Vase' (Zelkova serrata)
            Thornless Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos inermis)
            Autumn Blaze Red Maple (Acer Rubrum ‘Autumn Blaze')
            Valley Forge Elm (ulmus americana ‘Valley Forge')
            Red Sunset Maple (Acer Rubrum ‘Red Sunset')
            October Glory Red Maple (Acer Rubrum ‘October Glory')
      (2)   One tree shall be provided for every forty (40) linear feet of frontage, or fraction thereof, along each road.
      (3)   Trees are to be planted within the public rights-of-way within and abutting the development as directed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (4)   Each tree at the time of installation shall have a minimum caliper of 3 inches and a clear trunk height of at least eight (8) feet.
      (5)   Trees shall be planted an adequate distance from intersections so that at full maturity such planting shall ensure the unobstructed visibility of motorists and pedestrians.
   (c)    Planting Procedures.
      (1)   The developer shall provide a map, drawn to an appropriate scale and       illustrating the location and species of shade trees to be planted, to the Zoning Inspector, no less than three (3) days prior to planting.
      (2)   The developer shall provide the Zoning Inspector with a state inspection       certificate and a certificate for tree species authenticity for each tree within five (5) days of planting.
      (3)   All nursery tags shall remain on planted trees until removed by the Zoning Inspector.
   (d)    Maintenance. The developer shall be required to maintain the trees for two (2) years after the trees are planted and to replace any tree that dies within such two-year guarantee period.
      (1)   Upon completion of the street tree planting, the landscape contractor shall contact the Zoning Inspector.
      (2)   The two-year guarantee period shall begin after approval is granted by the Zoning Inspector.
      (3)   A final inspection by the Zoning Inspector shall be made at the end of the guarantee period.