For each use listed below, the following number of off-street parking spaces shall be required either by unit, floor space, or some other number as specified in this section.
(a) Residential.
(1) Single-family: Two for each unit. Fewer spaces may be acceptable at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(2) Two-family or multiple- family dwellings: Two for each unit.
(3) Bed and breakfast operations: Two for permanent resident and one for each room that is rented to the public.
(b) Commercial.
(1) Automobile service stations which also provide repair: One for every two gasoline pumps and two for each service bay.
(2) Banks, financial institutions, and similar uses: One for every 200 feet of floor space.
(3) Funeral homes or mortuaries: One for every 50 square feet of floor used for public service, and one for each employee and vehicle kept on premises.
(4) Hotels and motels: One per each sleeping room, plus one space for every two employees.
(5) Offices that are administrative, public, professional, or service oriented: One for every 400 feet of floor space.
(6) All types of retail stores: One for every 250 feet of floor space.
(7) All types of wholesale stores open to the public: One for every 250 feet of floor space.
(8) All types of wholesale distributors not open to the public: One space for every two employees on the largest shift for which the building was designed, and one space for every vehicle used in the business.
(c) Institutional.
(1) Offices that are for medical or dental services and clinics: One for each employee, and one for every 300 square feet of examination rooms and waiting rooms for patients.
(2) Hospitals: One for every three beds, and one for each employee.
(3) Nursing homes or Long-Term Care Facilities: One for every three beds, and one for each employee.
(4) Adult group homes: One for each person over the age of 16 living on the premises.
(5) Churches or other places of religious assembly: One for every five seats or seating capacity equivalent.
(6) Libraries, museums, and art galleries: One for every 33 square feet of floor area.
(d) Schools;
(1) Elementary and junior high schools: Two for each classroom and one for every five seats in the auditoriums or assembly halls.
(2) High schools: One for every 10 students and one for every teacher and employee.
(3) Business, technical or trade schools: One for every two students.
(4) Colleges and universities: One for every four students.
(5) Child care centers: One for each employee and one for every 400 feet of floor space accessible to the public including child care areas, but not less than six for the building.
(e) Industrial.
(1) All types of manufacturing, warehouse, and wholesale uses permitted in any industrial district: One for every two employees on the largest shift for which the building is designed, plus one for every motor vehicle used in the business.