(a)   All new or altered parking lots shall conform to the parking space stall width, length,and aisle width, as set out in Table 1 below.  Parking for handicapped spaces shall beprovided in accordance with the American Disabilities Act of 1990, and any other applicable building codes.
   (b)   Handicapped accessible parking spaces shall be at least 8 feet in width with a 5-footpassenger loading zone.  Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to thebuilding or facility entrance.  Two accessible parking spaces may share a commonaccess aisle.  Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessibleroute.  Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding1:50 (2%) in all directions.
TABLE 1: Parking Dimensions (Also see Parking Stall and Aisle Figures 1 - 4)
45° Angle
60° Angle
75° Angle
90° Angle
Stall depth to wall
17 feet
18.5 feet
19 feet
18 feet
Stall depth parallel to vehicle
18 feet
18 feet
18 feet
18 feet
Aisle width
12 feet
18 feet
22 feet
25 feet
Stall depth to interlock
15 feet
17 feet
18 feet
18 feet
Stall depth reduction due to
2 feet
1.5 feet
1 foot
0 feet
Stall width parallel to Aisle 1
12.7 feet
10.4 feet
9.3 feet
9 feet
Stall width perpendicular to vehicle
9 feet
9 feet
9 feet
9 feet
Module width wall to wall    
45 feet
54 feet
60 feet
61 feet
Module width interlock to
42 feet
51 feet
52 feet
51 feet
Parking Stall and Aisle Illustrations