Property subject to site plan approval must be developed in strict compliance with the approved site plan, inclusive of any amendments, which have received the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (a)   If construction and development does not conform with the approved site plan, the approval of the site plan shall be revoked by the Zoning Inspector by written notice of the revocation being posted upon the premises involved, and mailed to the owner at his last known address. Upon revocation of this approval, all construction activities shall cease upon the site until the time the violation has been corrected or the Planning and Zoning Commission has, upon a proper site plan application being filed by the owner, approved a modification to the site plan to coincide with the owner's construction, or altered plans for construction to be in compliance with the criteria contained in the site plan approval provisions and with the spirit, purpose, and intent of this Zoning Code.
   (b)   Approval of the site plan shall be valid for a period of one (1) year beginning from the date of Planning and Zoning Commission approval. If a building permit has not been obtained and substantial on-site development actually commenced within one (1) year, the site plan approval shall become void and a new application for site plan approval shall be required and new approval obtained before any construction or site preparation work is commenced upon the site.
   (c)   Enforcement. The city shall require the posting of a surety bond or other similar performance guarantee to ensure that required infrastructure improvements within the public right-of-way are completed in the event that the project is abandoned.  The city may suspend the zoning permit when work is not performed as required by an approved site plan.