A traffic impact study shall be a requirement for site plan review if the expected trip generation of the land use is 100 or more cars per hour as identified in the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Manual. A traffic impact study shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio at the developer's expense. The traffic impact study shall investigate the feasibility and benefits of improvements such as signals, turn lanes, driveway movement limitations, and other relevant information to the site to protect the safety of the traveling public. The traffic impact study shall include the following elements:
   (a)   A description of the site and study area.
   (b)   Anticipated development of adjacent parcels.
   (c)   Trip generation and distribution, including a description of all assumptions used to generate findings of trip distribution.
   (d   Modal split, if applicable.
   (e)   Traffic assignment resulting from the development.
   (f)   Projected future traffic volumes.
   (g)   An assessment of the impact that would result from driveway alternatives.
   (h)   Recommendations for site access and transportation improvements needed to maintain traffic flow within and past the site at an acceptable and safe level of service.
   (i)   An evaluation of the effects the proposed development will have on the level of service and roadway capacity.