No structure, or part thereof, shall be placed upon or moved onto land, erected, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, or structurally altered, nor shall any building or land be used or occupied which does not comply with t he district regulations established by this Zoning Code for the district in which the building, structure, and/or land is located.
   (a)   Lot Size Requirements and the Subdivision of Land. No parcel of land held under single ownership, with or without a building, at the time this Zoning Code became effective, shall be reduced, nor shall any such parcel be subdivided in any manner below the minimum lot width and lot area required by this Zoning Code.
   (b)   Reductions in Yard Requirements. No building may be enlarged which would result in decreasing a minimum yard requirement below the requirements of the applicable zoning district.
   (c)   Location of Uses on a Single Lot. Unless otherwise specifically allowed, every principal building hereafter erected, relocated, or structurally altered shall be located on a single lot as herein defined.
   (d)   Unsafe Buildings. Nothing in this Zoning Code shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition, any structure or part thereof declared unsafe by a proper authority as long as such strengthening or restoration is no more than necessary to preserve the integrity of the building.
   (e)   Conversion of Dwellings. The conversion of any building into a dwelling or the conversion of any dwellings to accommodate an increased number of dwelling units or families is permitted only in accordance with all requirements of this Zoning Code, including those that require minimum lot sizes, as set forth in the underlying zoning district.
   (f)   Parking and Loading Requirements. No land use may change from one use to another without meeting the parking and loading requirements for the new use.