   (A)   Materials.
      (1)   Gravity sewer service piping. Gravity sewer service piping shall consist of the following materials for the following situations:
         (a)   PVC meeting ASTM D3034, SDR-35 and 26 or PVC Schedule 40 - solvent weld or SBR gasket joint for normal installations. PVC Schedule 40 or cement lined ductile iron for installation within two feet of a building foundation;
         (b)   PVC Schedule 40 for water main or water service crossing; and
         (c)   PVC Schedule 40 with acrylonitrile butadiene (NBR) gaskets for installations in areas of hydrocarbon contamination.
      (2)   Pressure sewer service piping. Pressure sewer service lines shall consist of PVC pressure pipe, ASTM D2241, Class 200 SDR-21.
   (B)   Installation.
      (1)   (a)   All sanitary sewer service lines must be so arranged that the discharge from each separately-owned house premises or buildings on separate lots is a separate service line that connects to the main.
         (b)   The owner of each house or premises is liable for the charges for the wastewater service provided by the city to that owner’s house or premises.
      (2)   Sewer service lines shall be installed with a minimum of four feet of cover from the top of service pipe to finished grade.
      (3)   (a)   At all locations where sewer service lines are installed beneath new curb, the face of the curb shall be stamped with an “S” in lettering at least three inches tall, for marking the sewer service location.
         (b)   Tunneling of sewer service under curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks and the like is prohibited.
   (C)   Tapping city sewer.
      (1)   Any person desiring to make connection to the city’s water or sewer mains must make application in writing and pay for the cost of tapping in accordance with city policy, resolution or ordinance.
      (2)   (a)   All applications for service connection to the city’s wastewater system must be made at the front counter at city hall.
         (b)   Every such application must be made by the owner of the property to be served or the owner’s authorized agent and must include the nature of wastewater discharged into the system.
   (D)   Metering when not on city water. For new city sewer services which do not use the city water system or whose water consumption or wastewater discharge is not otherwise metered, the Public Works Department shall require the installation of a suitable metering device in order to determine an equitable charge for sewer services.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   Capacity. The design capacity for a lift station shall be designed to a reasonable capacity based on similar flows from comparable zoned areas.
      (1)   The designer shall provide a table in the design report for the design capacity for each non-residential lot.
      (2)   Multi-family lots with a four-plex or greater are also considered commercial lots.
      (3)   (a)   During the building review process, a letter from an engineer must be submitted certifying that the sewer capacity is not greater than the original design capacity of the lot.
         (b)   If the capacity for the building is greater, additional capacity may be required.
   (B)   Building. The building shall be constructed of masonry block or similar high durability construction material.
      (1)   The building style must be compatible with the surrounding environment.
      (2)   The developer must install and provide access to the building so maintenance equipment can access the building and wet well.
   (C)   Landscaping. All lift stations must have low water/native vegetation and trees for the landscape screening with an irrigation system
   (D)   Fencing.
      (1)   All lift stations must be fenced with an eight foot high black vinyl coated chain link fence with two-strand barbed wire top.
      (2)   A minimum of two lockable gates must be provided; one for pedestrian access and one double gate that is able to swing 180° for allowing maintenance equipment to access the site.
   (E)   Wet well. Must be lined with a PVC coating or approved equal by the Public Works Department.
   (F)   Piping.
      (1)   (a)   All piping must be stainless steel within the wet well and ductile iron in the building.
         (b)   The pipe must also be configured to accommodate bypass pumping with a blind flanged tee after the last check valve.
      (2)   (a)   All fittings must be located out from under the lift station slab or located within a grated trench.
         (b)   All fittings must be accessible without damaging the building.
   (G)   Valving.
      (1)   All check valves must have external levers.
      (2)   A three-way Dezerik plug valve must be installed at the point the two pumping lines join.
   (H)   Safety.
      (1)   The wet well shall have a safety grate that is easily removable and integral to the hatch.
         (a)   The grate must be rated to at least 1,000 pound of loading.
         (b)   In addition to the hatch with a safety grate, removable handrails must also be supplied.
      (2)   (a)   A compressor and two full-face masks with a minimum 50-foot hoses will be required for a fresh air supply.
         (b)   SCBA will not be acceptable as a fresh air supply.
   (I)   Pumps. The pumps shall be Gorman-Rupp, Paco, Flyght or equal as approved by the PWD.
   (J)   Telemetry.
      (1)   The telemetry must be designed in accordance with the city telemetry design standards.
      (2)   If no standards exist, coordinate with the PWD.
   (K)   Pigging stations. Any lift station with a force main of more than 2,000 feet that does not have an existing flow of 50% of the design capacity, must have pigging stations for cleaning of the force main.
   (L)   Odor control. All vents from the wet well or force main must have a carbon filter.
   (M)   On-site generator. All lift stations must be supplied with an on-site generator.
      (1)   The generator must be a natural gas or diesel fuel unit located in a separate room within the building.
      (2)   An access door big enough to remove the generator for maintenance will be required.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   Storm drain systems shall be designed and constructed, in accordance with these engineering/design and construction standards and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality’s design circular DEQ-8, Montana Standards for Subdivision Stormwater Drainage, if the stormwater system is associated with a subdivision development.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   A storm drainage plan shall be submitted for development or redevelopment that includes the creation of more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surface area.
   (B)   (1)   A detailed stormwater report shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer.
      (2)   The stormwater report shall contain the stormwater calculations and a discussion of the design rationale. The plan shall include the following:
         (a)   A map showing building site(s), open areas, drainage ways, ditches, culverts, storm sewers, inlets, storage ponds, roads, streets and any other infrastructure improvements which may affect drainage characteristics. The map shall also include identification of the various ground surfaces (i.e., vegetation, gravel and pavement) and their respective coverage (square feet);
         (b)   Topographic contours (one-foot intervals) and sufficient spot elevation data;
         (c)   Description of the ultimate destination of stormwater run-off from the project and an evaluation of its impact on down slope drainage facilities;
         (d)   Design calculations determining run-off quantities, storage requirements and peak rates;
         (e)   Description of water quality design method and calculations;
         (f)   A storm drainage facilities operation and maintenance plan. The plan shall:
            1.   Identify ownership of all facilities;
            2.   Establish a schedule for maintenance activities necessary to keep the system operationally effective; and
            3.   Identify the responsible party in charge of the specific maintenance duties.
         (g)   Details and specifications (including invert and other pertinent elevation information) for all storm drainage improvements, such as storm sewer, manholes, inlets, discharge structures, and retention/detention pond dimensions and volume, side slope, and top, bottom and maximum water surface elevations.
   (C)   Pre-development and post-development run-off calculations for sizing drainage facilities shall include:
      (1)   Depiction of the drainage area on a topographical map, with acreage indicated (the off-site contributing area must be included).
         (a)   Provide a pre-development topography and drainage basin map and a post-development topography and drainage basin map.
         (b)   The change in peak discharge and volume of surface water entering and leaving the subject property.
      (2)   The capabilities of all downstream drainage systems within one-fourth mile of the project site downstream boundary to handle the change in peak discharge and volume of surface water caused by the development.
      (3)   In areas where ground water may be a factor, the analysis shall include the effects of the ground water on the total storm drainage system proposed for the development.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   Storm event peak rates and volume. Two methods are to be used for determining peak stormwater run-offs for the design of storm sewers, open channels and culverts.
      (1)   (a)   The rational formula method is to be used to design storm sewer systems.
         (b)   Information on the rational method is available in Chapter 7 of the MDT Hydrology Manual, including rainfall-intensity return periods.
      (2)   Use the one-hour precipitation return periods identified for station Butte - eight miles south.
         (a)   When it is necessary to know the volume of water and discharge in addition to the peak rate of flow, the SCS TR-20 Hydrologic Analysis Model or pre-approved hydrologic simulation model will be used together with a detailed routing analysis.
         (b)   For flow routing through detention facilities models such as; SWMM, StormNet and HydroCAD are also acceptable methods.
   (B)   Culverts and open channel design.
      (1)   Culverts shall be designed in accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 5.
      (2)   Open channels shall be designed using the energy concept and the Manning formula.
      (3)   Channels in earth shall have sides with a maximum slope of one-foot vertical rise for every two feet of horizontal distance.
      (4)   Steeper slopes will be permitted only if some type of bank protection is used to prevent erosion and sloughing of the sides into the bottom of the channel.
      (5)   Constructed and natural channels and culverts shall be designed with sufficient capacity to convey, at a minimum, the depth associated with the 100-year 24-hour design storm peak flow rate, assuming developed conditions for on-site tributary areas and existing conditions for any off-site tributary areas.
   (C)   Storm drain systems and inlets. The ten-year 24-hour design storm shall be used to size the enclosed storm sewer system and inlets.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   All required stormwater retention/detention facilities must be constructed and in operation prior to paving and building construction, unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works.
   (B)   The capacity of the downstream drainage course is required to be evaluated for a minimum distance of one-fourth mile from the point of discharge of the development.
      (1)   The downstream conveyance system must be adequately sized to handle off-site peak flows conveyed through the development plus the on-site developed peak flow discharged to the drainage course from the controlling ten-year storm.
      (2)   This system should be shown on the drainage layout.
      (3)   The size of the controlled outlet shall be calculated for the total drainage basin when the total run-offs from both off-site and on-site areas are combined.
   (C)   The limits of the FEMA mapped 100-year floodplain shall be required to be delineated on the final plat, as well as the engineering drawings for plat construction.
   (D)   Arrows indicating drainage direction in all public and private property shall be shown on the construction drawings for all hydraulic conveyance systems.
   (E)   (1)   A topographical map sufficient in area to show all areas draining onto the proposed land development must be submitted and show enough of abutting downstream properties to indicate natural or human-made drainage course into which the proposed land development is to drain.
      (2)   The direction of flow, acreage of areas contributing drainage to the development, the outline of the development and location of intermittent streams or drainage courses which are within the site boundaries shall be indicated on this map.
   (F)   Surface water entering the subject property shall be received at the naturally occurring location, and surface water exiting the subject property shall be discharged at the natural location, with adequate energy dissipaters within the subject property to eliminate the potential for detriment to the existing downstream infrastructure.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)